Puss Caterpillar Envenomation
Puss Caterpillar Characteristics
- Megalopyge Opercularis
- Names for Adult Form
- Names for Larval Form
- Puss moth
- Tree asp
- Asp caterpillar
- Trump caterpillar
- Resembles a Tiny Persian Cat: thus, the name “puss”
- Fur of the Larva Contains Venomous Spines: cause extreme pain on contact with human skin
Clinical Manifestations
Reaction at Contact Site
- Extreme Pain at Site of Skin Contact with Venous Spines on the Caterpillar
- Rash/Blisters
- Sweating from Welts/Hives at Site of Sting: common
Allergic/Immunologic/Dermatologic Manifestations
- Anaphylaxis (see Anaphylaxis, [[Anaphylaxis]]): may induce an anaphylaxis-like reaction (unknown if IgE-mediated)
- Angioedema (see Angioedema, [[Angioedema]]): may induce an anaphylaxis-like reaction (unknown if IgE-mediated)
- Urticaria (see Urticaria, [[Urticaria]]): may induce an anaphylaxis-like reaction (unknown if IgE-mediated)
Cardiovascular Manifestations
Gastrointestinal Manifestations
Neurologic Manifestations
- Headache (see Headache, [[Headache]])
- Numbness
- Parasthesias Radiating Up the Affected Limb (see Parasthesias, [[Parasthesias]]): with burning and/or edema
Pulmonary Manifestations
Other Manifestations