THROUGHOUT rural Asia, people consume gallbladders from various fish species for the treatment of various disorders, including ar- thritis and decreased visual acuity.1 The most common fish species from which gallbladders are eaten is carp, ostariophysan family Cyprini- dae.Whenassociatedwithtoxiceffects,itrepre- sents a form of ichthyotoxism resulting in acute renalfailure.Thetoxinisbelievedtobecyprinol sulfate or cyprinol, a C27 bile acid.2 Fish poisoning, ichthyotoxism, occurs in three forms: toxins in visceral organs (ichthyosarcotoxic), reproduc- tive organs (ichthyootoxic), or blood (icthyohe- motoxic).3 Gallbladders of certain freshwater fish are increasingly recognized as an important source of ichthyosarcotoxism in Asian popula- tions.Wepresentalargecaseseriesdescribinga cause of fish poisoning from gallbladder inges- tion with resultant gastrointestinal, renal, he- patic, cardiac, and neurological toxicities.
## References
– Ichthyotoxic ARF After Fish Gallbladder Ingestion: A Large Case Series From Vietnam. Am J Kidney Dis 41:220-224