Major Outbreaks Have Been Reported in North America (United States, Canada), South America (Chile, Uruguay), Europe (Scandinavia, France, Belgium, Spain, Ireland), and Asia (Japan, China)
Ingestion of Bivalve Mollusks (Mussels, Scallops)
Okadaic Acid (and Other Toxins)
Lipid Soluble Toxin Which Inhibits Phosphorylation in Mammalian Cells
Data from Animal Studies
In Chinese Hamster Lung Cell Animal Models, Okadaic Acid Has Been Found to Be Mutagenic
Okadaic Acid Promotes the Development of Skin Tumors in Mice
Okadaic Acid Exposure Has Been Proposed as a Risk Factor for the Development of Human Colorectal Cancer (Med Hypotheses, 2008) [MEDLINE]
Detection of Okadaic Acid or Other Associated Toxin in Suspected Food
Illnesses caused by marine toxins. Clin Infect Dis. 2005;41(9):1290 [MEDLINE]
Shellfish consumption: a major risk factor for colorectal cancer. Med Hypotheses. 2008;70(2):409-12 [MEDLINE]
First U.S. report of shellfish harvesting closures due to confirmed okadaic acid in Texas Gulf coast oysters. Toxicon. 2010 Jun;55(6):1138-46. Epub 2010 Jan 11 [MEDLINE]
Shellfish toxicity: human health implications of marine algal toxins. Epidemiol Infect. 2010 Jul;138(7):927-40 [MEDLINE]
Toxins in mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) associated with diarrhetic shellfish poisoning episodes in China. Toxicon. 2012 Sep;60(3):420-5. Epub 2012 Apr 20 [MEDLINE]
Diarrhetic shellfish toxins and other lipophilic toxins of human health concern in Washington State. Mar Drugs. 2013;11(6):1815 [MEDLINE]