- History: RA was first recognized as a multisystem disease back in 1860
- Sex: M:F ratio is 1:2 to 1:4
- Age of Onset: peak incidence between 5-60 y/o
- Incidence increases into 60’s
- Incidence: 0.2-3 per 1000 person-yrs (<0.5 per 1000 person-yrs in most studies)
- Prevalence: similar worldwide
- Associated with: Sarcoidosis (weak association)
- Genetics
- Familial association of RA and intestitial lung disease suggests genetic factors play a role in rheumatoid intestitial lung disease
- Association between RA and HLA-DRB1
- Hormonal Factors: may play a role, as their is a female preponderance of RA and RA has a decreased incidence during pregnancy
- Infections and Socioeconomic Status: do not appear to play a role in incidence of RA
- Smoking: in presence of HLA-DR suceptibility gennes, smoking is associated with the development of anti-citrulline-positive RA
- Probably results from immunologic response to unknown antigen in genetically susceptible host
- Alveolar macrophage dysfunction (increased release of superoxide anion, fibronectin, and neutrophil chemotactic factor, even without clinical ILD/ increased production of TNF-alpha in patients with and without ILD) precedes neutrophil and lymphocyte recruitment (suggested by BAL findings)/T-cell abnormality (may be marker of disease activity and predict progression to ILD)
- Increased neutrophils and neutrophil type 1 collagenase: in patients with ILD
- Rheumatoid Vasculitis: hypersensitivity (leukocytoclastic) vasculitis, mostly involving the post-capillary venules within superficial dermis
- Probably due to immune complex deposition
- Anemia (iron deficiency): usually present
- Leukocytosis:
Skin Bx
- Diagnostic
- Rheumatoid Factor: targets IgG
- Seropositivity is more frequent with pulmonary rheumatoid nodules
- Presence of RF positivity does not predict development of RA-associated ILD
- ANA: increased in cases that develop more severe pulmonary disease
- Cryoglobulins: increased in cases that develop more severe pulmonary disease
- Anti-DNA:
- C3/C4/CH50:
- Anti-GBM: negative
- Anti-Histone: targets histone proteins
- Positive in 5% of rheumatoid vasculitis cases
- Usually elevated
Clinical Criteria (American Rheumatism Association)
(patient must have at least 4 of the following criteria for minimum duration of 6 wks)
- Morning Stiffness: lasting at least 1 hr
- Arthritis of 3 or More Joints (see [[Arthritis]]): soft tissue swelling or fluid of at least 3 joints from PIP, MCP, wrist, elbow, knee, ankle, or MTP
- Arthritis of Hand Joints (see [[Arthritis]]): soft tissue swelling or fluid of at least 1 joint from wrist, MCP, or PIP
- Symmetrical Arthritis (see [[Arthritis]]): simultaneous arthritis on both sides of body
- Rheumatoid Nodules
- Positive Serum Rheumatoid Factor: at a titer that <5% of normals are positive
- Radiographic Hand or Wrist Changes Typical of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Lung Manifestations of RA
Interstitial Lung Disease (see [[ILD-Etiology]])
- Epidemiology
- M:F ratio = 3:1
- CT-diagnosed fibrosis is found in as many as 1-19% of RA patients
- Fibrosis may be seen on biopsy in as many as 60% of RA patients
- Decreased DLCO may be seen in as many as 40% of RA patients
- Risk Factors for Development of Interstitial Lung Disease in RA: smoking, high titer of rheumatoid factor, presence of rheumatoid nodules
- Time of Onset
- Interstitial pulmonary fibrosis and arthritis usually begin within 5 yrs of each other (but their severities are not correlated)
- Interstitial lung disease symptoms usually follow arthritis onset (however, in 20% of cases, ILD precedes arthritis)
- Diagnosis
- ABG: elevated A-a gradient hypoxemia, Hypo- or normocapnia
- CT/HRCT: lower-lobe predominance of reticular or reticulonodular infiltrates (pattern mimics that of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
- Ground-glass infiltrates: likely reflects inflammatory histology in these regions
- Interstitial infiltrates may follow recurrent Diffuse Alveolar Hemorrhage episodes, as well
- Occasional: patchy or focal alveolar infiltrates
- Honeycombing may be seen late in course (radiographic honeycombing correlates well with pathologic honeycombing)
- PFT’s: restriction, deceased DLCO, decreased compliance
- PFT’s do not necessarily correlate with radiographic or biopsy findings
- However, smoking is actually the most common cause of any PFT abnormality observed in RA patients
- Exercise Testing: exercise-associated desaturation
- Increased BAL inflammatory cells (increased macrophages and neutrophils) may be seen in cases without other clinical evidence of interstitial lung disease
- However, note that BAL macrophages and eosinophils are increased in smokers (take this into account in analysis)
- BAL histamine level: increased (especially in those with active lung disease)
- BAL procollagen peptide and collagenase activity: increased in patients with established interstitial lung disease (greater than that in early disease)
- BAL superoxide anion: correlates with percentage of neutrophils in BAL
- BAL ratio of local immune complex: albumin: increased in cases with established interstitial lung disease
- Increased BAL inflammatory cells (increased macrophages and neutrophils) may be seen in cases without other clinical evidence of interstitial lung disease
- OLB: resembles that of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis with usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) and non-specific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP) patterns
- Early: lymphocytic intersitial infiltrate, peribronchiolar follicles with aggregates of lymphocytes with germinal center
- Late: fibrosis with cystic changes and honeycombing
- Clinical Features (resembles idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis)
- Dyspnea and Dry Cough: may precede CXR abnormalities
- Chest Pain/Fever/Hemoptysis: less common
- Tachypnea:
- Bibasilar Crackles:
- Clubbing (75% of cases, more common than in other connective tissue disease-associated ILD cases): however, full hypertrophic osteoarthropathy is rare
- Treatment: gnerally aimed at preventing progression of interstitial lung disease
- Prognosis
- Average survival of RA after development of interstitial lung disease: 3.5-4.9 years (however, course is variable)
- 5-Yr Survival in Presence of Severe Interstitial Disease Requiring Hositalization: <50%
- UIP pattern is associated with better outcome in association with connective tissue disease than it is in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
- Best Predictor of Decline: DLCO <55% pred at time of presentation
Cryptogenic Organizing Pneumonia (COP) (see [[Cryptogenic Organizing Pneumonia]])
- Epidemiology: COP is more common in RA than in most other connective tissue diseases (with the exception of polydermatomyositis)
- Diagnosis
- CXR/Chest: alveolar and ground-glass infiltrates (predominantly sublpleural, but may be bronchovascular), <1 cm nodules (common)
- OLB: plugs of granulation tissue in air spaces distal to and including terminal bronchioles, lymphocytic infiltration, preserved bronchiolar walls and interstitium
- Clinical Presentation: pneumonia-like presentation with multifocal consolidation (with restrictive PFT’s)
- Treatment: most cases respond to steroid therapy
- Prognosis: RA-associated COP has better prognosis than RA-associated BO
Lymphocytic Intersitial Pneumonia (see [[Lymphocytic Interstitial Pneumonia]])
- Occasionaly found in OLB specimens in RA
- Variable response to steroid therapy
Acute Lung Injury-ARDS (see [[Acute Lung Injury-ARDS]])
- Diagnosis
- HRCT: diffuse ground-glass infiltrates and/or consolidation, reticular infiltrates, honeycombing (mimics accelerated idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis)
- OLB: diffuse alveolar damage
- Clinical: acute respiratory deterioration
- May occur as the initial presentation of the disease (without pre-existing lung manifestations)
- Treatment and Prognosis: most cases die within months, despite steroid therapy
- Case reports describe treatment with cyclosporin A + either prednisolone or cyclophosphamide
Rheumatoid Pleural Effusion (see [[Pleural Effusion-Exudate]])
- Epidemiology
- Prevalence
- 38-73% of all RA cases have pleural involvement by autopsy
- 20% of all RA cases have history of pleuritic chest pain
- Only 5% of all RA cases develop pleural effusion
- Sex Predominance: M:F = 4:1
- Rheumatoid pleuritis is present in >10% of males with RA
- Only 2% of females with RA develop pleural effusion
- Typically occurs in male patient with high RF, rheumatoid nodules, and moderate-severe arthritis about 5-10 years after disease onset
- Time of Onset: pleural disease may precede onset of arthritis in few cases or may occur >20 yrs after
- However, there are case reports of rheumatoid pleural effusion in the absence of arthritis
- Prevalence
- Diagnosis
- CXR/Chest CT Pattern
- Effusion usually occurs with otherwise normal CXR (with normal cardiac size)
- However, clinical rheumatoid pleuritis accompanies pulmonary fibrosis in 20% of cases
- Size of Effusion: typically small-moderate
- Side of Effusion: 75% are unilateral, 25% are bilateral
- Effusion usually occurs with otherwise normal CXR (with normal cardiac size)
- Thoracentesis
- Appearance: serous, turbid, or yellow-green/may have debris
- pH: decreased (usually <7.2), due to impaired transfer of acidic anerobic metabolites across the inflammed pleura
- Exudate: LDH usually >700-1000 U/L and total protein usually >35 g/L
- Glucose <30 mg/dL (in 70-80% of cases)
- Glucose may be normal early in course: due to selectively impaired glucose transport from blood into the pleural space
- Cell Count/Diff: few hundred to 15k nucleated cells (PMN-predominant early -> may develop into lymphocyte-predominant later)
- Macrophages, spindle-shaped cells, granular debris, and multi-nucleated giant cells are seen (epithelioid cells are similar to those seen in rheumatoid synovitis and are specific for rheumatoid pleuritis)
- Mesothelial cells are usually absent (due to rheumatoid process replacing the mesothelium)
- Gram Stain/Culture: negative (important to distinguish this from complicated parapneumonic effusion)
- Empyema (predisposed by BPF due to necrotic necrobiotic nodule) may occur also
- Pleural Immune Complexes: increased when compared to serum
- Pleural Fluid RF: positive (at >1:320), usually higher than serum titer
- However, this is not specific for rheumatoid pleural effusion
- Pleural C4: decreased (<0.03 g/L), as compared to serum
- In contrast, TB and malignant effusions have 10-fold higher C4 levels
- Cholesterol: elevated >55-60 mg/dL (seen in all exudates, but may be especially high with crystals in RA pleuritis)
- Pleural: Serum Cholesterol Ratio: elevated (seen in all exudates)
- CXR/Chest CT Pattern
- Clinical
- Symptomatic: dyspnea, pleuritic chest pain, absence of fever
- Asymptomatic (seen in some cases):
- Prognosis: may progress to pleural thickening and trapped lung in some cases
Rheumatoid Pseudochylothorax (see [[Pleural Effusion-Pseudochylothorax]])
- Thoracentesis: usually thick, opalescent, whitish or coffee-colored (due to high fat content)
Rheumatoid (Necrobiotic) Nodules (see [[Lung Nodule or Mass]])
- Epidemiology
- Present in <1% of all RA cases
- Specific for RA
- Nodules typically wax and wane in concert with subcutaneous nodules and systemic disease activity -> nodules may become thin-wallled and disappear with remission of RA
- However, nodules may precede the onset of arthritis in some cases
- Diagnosis
- CXR/Chest CT Features of Nodules
- Shape: usually well-circumscribed (3 mm-7 cm)
- Location: usually basilar and sublpleural-predominant
- Number: multiple >> single nodules
- Cavitation: common (with thick wall and smooth inner lining)
- Calcification: only occurs in Caplan’s syndrome-type nodules
- CXR/Chest CT Features of Nodules
- Clinical Presentations
- Nodules may be asymptomatic
- Nodules may rupture into pleural space, causing pneumothorax
- Nodules may cavitate, causing hemoptysis
- Diffuse infiltration by numerous small nodules may result in respiratory failure
- Caplan’s Syndrome (rheumatoid nodules in setting of inhaled coal dust exposure in [[Coal Workers Pneumoconiosis]]): rapidly appearing in crops, cavitate, typically 0.5-5.0 cm, may calcify
Bronchiolitis Obliterans (BO) (see [[Bronchiolitis Obliterans]])
- Epidemiology
- Increased prevalence of HLA B40 and DR1 in RA-related BO cases (but not in non-RA-related cases)
- Risk Factors: presence of co-existent Sjogrens syndrome, use of penicillamine
- Gold therapy is not associated with an increased risk of RA-associated BO
- Diagnosis
- CXR: usually normal
- Chest CT: may demonstrate mosaic perfusion (patchy areas of decreased lung density) -> reflects hypoxic vasoconstriction in areas of BO
- PFT’s: obstruction
- ABG: moderate hypoxemia with respiratory alkalosis
- OLB: inflammatory exudate -> destruction of bronchiolar wall by granulation tissues and effacement of bronchiolar lumen -> replacement of bronchiole by fibrous tissue
- Clinical Features
- Abrupt Onset of Dyspnea + Dry Cough: typical presentation in middle-aged female with positive RF
- Inspiratory Rales:
- Mid-Inspiratory Squeak:
- Treatment: poor steroid-response
- Prognosis: generally poor, but some patients have an indolent course
Follicular Bronchiolitis (see [[Follicular Bronchiolitis]])
- Epidemiology: follicular bronchiolitis is more commonly associated with RA than with other connetcive tissue diseases
- Diagnosis
- CXR: reticular or reticulonodular infiltrates
- Chest CT: centrilobular or peribronchial nodules with patchy bronchocentric ground-glass infiltrates
- PFT’s: restrictive or obstructive
- OLB: external compression of brochioles by hyperplastic lymphoid follicles, variable lymphocytic infiltration of bronchiolar wall
- Clinical: similar presentation to that of interstitial pulmonary fibrosis
- Treatment: steroids
- Prognosis: better response than with BO
Bronchiectasis (see [[Bronchiectasis]])
- Epidemiology
- More common in RA than in other connective tissue diseases
- In one case series, respiratory symptoms preceded systemic manifestations in 90% of cases
- Diagnosis: bronchiectasis was found on CT in 30% of RA cases with normal CXR’s
- Clinical: usually clinically silent
- Prognosis: less progressive course than with bronchiectasis from other causes
Apical Fibrobullous Disease (see [[Cystic-Cavitary Lung Lesions]])
- Mimics that seen in ankylosing spondylitis
- Reported in RF-positive cases
- Sometimes precedes the onset of arthritis (without HLA-B27)
- May follow a fulminant course in some cases
Pulmonary Infection
- RA increases the risk of pulmonary infection (even without immunosuppressive treatment) -> infection is the cause of death in 15-20% of RA cases
- Bacterial Pneumonia (see [[Pneumonia]])
- Tuberculosis (see [[Tuberculosis]])
Empyema (see [[Pleural Effusion-Parapneumonic]])
- Likely increased risk in RA
Diffuse Alveolar Hemorrhage (see [[Diffuse Alveolar Hemorrhage]] and [[Pulmonary Vasculitis]])
- Epidemiology
- Pulmonary vasculitis is rare in RA (although may be occasionally seen on autopsy)
- Most cases of pulmonary vasculitis are associated with co-existing systemic vasculitis (although a few cases have been reported with isolated pulmonary vasculitis)
- Diagnosis
- OLB: pulmonary capillaritis (however, pulmonary angiitis was found in only 40% of specimens from patients with diffuse alveolar hemorrhage)
Pulmonary Hypertension (see Pulmonary Hypertension, [[Pulmonary Hypertension]])
- Incidence of pulmonary hypertension increases with time from diagnosis
- Histologic changes include vascular medial hypertrophy with intimal fibrosis (resembles [[Idiopathic Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension]])
Secondary Pulmonary Hypertension Due to RA-Associated Interstitial Pulmonary Fibrosis
- In the presence of advanced ILD
Thoracic Cage Immobility
- Contributing factors include fibrothorax, pleural involvement, myopathy, and increased thoracic rigidity
Lung Cancer (see [[Lung Cancer]])
- Increased risk in RA
- Cases have been reported
Drug-Induced Induction or Exacerbation of Rhematoid Arthritis-Associated Lung Disease
- Etanercept: may accelerate progression of rheumatoid pulmonary nodules
- Etanercept/Infliximab: can worsen pre-existing RA-associated interstitial lung disease
- Methorexate: pneumonitis can be precipitated by addition of infliximab
- Leflunomide: may induce rheumatoid pulmonary nodules
Upper Airway Manifestations of RA
Atlantoaxial Subluxation (C1-C2 Instability)
- May pose difficulties during endotracheal intubation -> spinal cord injury or cerebral artery impingement
- Screen for with C-spine films prior to endotracheal intubation
TMJ Dysfunction
- TMJ is affected in 0.3-70% of all RA cases
- Manifested by dull deep TMJ pain, limited ability to open the mouth, tenderness to palpation, crepitation, and anterior openbite
- May result in inability to open jaw during endotracheal intubation
Cricoarytenoid Arthritis
- Occurs in 25% of RA cases (especially common in advanced RA)
- Sex-Predominance: more common and more severe in female cases
- Clinical Features:
- Globus Sensation/Sore Throat:
- Hoarseness:
- Exertional Dyspnea:
- Otalgia:
- Nocturnal or Daytime Stridor:
- Dysphagia/Odynophagia:
- Acute Upper Airway Obstruction: narrowed glottic orifice may pose difficulties during endotracheal intubation
Laryngeal Rheumatoid Nodules
- May result in upper airway obstruction
Arteritis of Vasa Vasorum of Recurrent Laryngeal and Vagus Nerves
- May result in upper airway obstruction
Cardiac Manifestations of RA
- Pericarditis:
Rheum Manifestations of RA
- Arthritis: symmetric/involving small joints
- Rheumatoid Vasculitis (of small and medium-sized arteries, venues)
- Usually confined to skin (but may progress to PAN-like syndrome)
- Derm: nodules, ulcers, palpable purpura (of LE)
- Neuro: acute neuropathy, digital infarcts, gangrene
- Pulmonary: DAH
- Ocular
- GI: may occur in some cases
Derm Manifestations of RA
- Subcutaneous nodules:
- Ulceration: as above
Ocular Manifestations of RA
- xxx
Other Manifestations of RA
- Lymphadenopathy:
- Splenomegaly:
- Felty’s syndrome:
Treatment of Rheumatoid Pleuritis
- Steroids work in some cases (but no controlled trials)
- Pleuritis usually takes 3 weeks-months to resolve
- Some patients require decortication for extensive pleural thickening
- Useful for interstitial lung disease anecdotally (but no controlled trials)
- Includes cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, D-penicillamine, azathioprine, hydroxychloroquine sulfate
- Few case reports of efficacy in interstitial lung disease
Anti-TNF Therapy (infliximab, etanercept, adalimumab)
- Efficacious
- However, these agents have been reported to have both infectious and non-infectious complications (see [[Anti-TNF Therapy]])
- Age-matched mortality rate for RA is 2x higher than that of the geberal population
- Most excess mortality is attributed to cardiopulmonary complications
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