Presence of blood in pleural space due to injury to chest wall/ diaphragm/ lung/ blood vessels/ mediastinum
Pleural Fluid
Hct: hemothorax is defined as pleural fluid Hct >50% of periperal blood Hct
RBC/WBC ratio: approaches that of peripheral blood
Protein ratio: approaches that of serum
LDH ratio: approaches that of serum
Eosinophilia: pleural fluid eosinophilia typically appears later, during second week
CXR/Chest CT patterns
Pleural effusion
Pneumothorax (>50% of traumatic hemothoraces have associated pneumothorax)
Signs of pleural effusion
Retention of clotted blood in pleural space
Fibrothorax (loculation occurs early but fibrothorax occurs in <1% of cases): predisposed by presence of associated pneumothorax/ empyema
Empyema (occurs in 1-4% of cases): predisposed by shock/ gross contamintaion of pleural space/ associated abdominal injury/ prolonged pleural drainage/ prevented by prophylactic antibiotics
Pleural effusion (occurs after chest tube removal in >10% of cases): most resolve spontaneously, but should do thoracentesis to rule out infection
Rationale: complete evacuation of blood/ tamponades bleeding, if pleural lacerations are present/ decreases risk of future empyema and fibrothorax/ blood may be autotransfused
Large bore tube placed high (fourth-fifth intercostal space) in midaxillary line to avoid diaphragm (if it is injured)
Thoracotomy: indicated in 20% of cases (due to suspected cardiac tamponade/ vascular injury/ pleural contamination/ debridement of devitalized tissue/ sucking chest wounds/ major bronchial air leaks/ continued pleural hemorrhage (>100-200 mL/hr)
Also indicated for retention of clots in pleural space of >30% of hemithorax