Percutaneous Transhepatic Procedures: biliary drainage procedure resulting in accidental iatrogenic creation of biliary-pleural fistula
Biliary Surgery: resulting in accidental iatrogenic creation of biliary-pleural fistula
Suppurative Biliary Tract Infection (see [[Cholangitis]]): with development of biliary-pleural fistula
Biliary-pleural fistula
Pleural Fluid:
Appearance: usually appears bilious
/Pleural:Serum Bili Ratio: >1.0
Symptoms + Signs of Pleural Effusion: dyspnea
Emypema (see [[Pleural Effusion-Parapneumonic]]): incidence of empyema is 50%
Re-Establishment of Biliary Drainage and/or Diaphragmatic Repair: as required
Decortication: may be required
Cholethorax following Percutaneous Transhepatic Biliary Drainage. Ulster Med J. 2007 May; 76(2): 112–113
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