- Presence of Lymphangitic Pattern in Patient with Known Malignancy: 70-80% probability of metastases being the cause
General Comments
- Metastatic Adenocarcinomas Account for 80% of Lymphangitic Lung Metastasis Cases
Breast Cancer (see Breast Cancer)
- Epidemiology
- In Autopsy Studies, Approximately 24% of Breast Cancer Cases Have Lymphangitic Lung Metastases
- Mechanism
- Mediastinal or Hilar Node Involvement with Retrograde Spread to Lung Lymphatics
Lung Cancer (see Lung Cancer)
- Epidemiology
- Mechanism
- Mediastinal or Hilar Node Involvement with Retrograde Spread to Lung Lymphatics
Colon Cancer (see Colon Cancer)
Gastric Cancer (see Gastric Cancer)
Testicular Cancer (see Testicular Cancer)
- Mechanism
- Spread from Distant Nodes Through Lymphatics to Lung Lymphatics
Choriocarcinoma (see Choriocarcinoma)
- Mechanism
- Spread from Distant Nodes Through Lymphatics to Lung Lymphatics
Hodgkin’s Disease (see Hodgkin’s Disease)
- Mechanism
- Mediastinal or Hilar Node Involvement with Retrograde Spread to Lung Lymphatics
Lymphoma (see Lymphoma)
- Mechanism
- Mediastinal or Hilar Node Involvement with Retrograde Spread to Lung Lymphatics
Prostate Cancer (see Prostate Cancer)
- Epidemiology
- Lymphangitic Lung Metastatic Pattern is Probably the Most Common Pattern Seen in Prostate Cancer Which is Metastatic to the Lung
- This Pattern is Observed in About 58% of Cases
- Prostate Cancer Metastases are Rarely Observed in Absence of Pre-Existing Lymph Node or Bone Metastases
- Diagnosis
- Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Scan (see Positron Emission Tomography)
- May Be Diagnostic (Clin Nucl Med, 2020) [MEDLINE]
- Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Scan (see Positron Emission Tomography)
Hepatocellular Carcinoma (see Hepatocellular Carcinoma)
- xxxx
Pancreatic Cancer (see Pancreatic Cancer)
- Epidemiology
- Case Reports (Cureus, 2019) [MEDLINE]
Thyroid Cancer (see Thyroid Cancer)
- xxxx
Cervical Cancer (see Cervical Cancer)
- xxxx
Laryngeal Cancer (see Laryngeal Cancer)
- xxx
Metastatic Adenocarcinoma of Unknown Primary
- xxxx
Lymphangitic Carcinomatosis is the Diffuse Infiltration and Obstruction of Pulmonary parenchymal Lymphatic Channels by Tumor
- Spread of Malignant Cells to Lung Lymphatics from Any of the Following
- Obstructed Lymph Nodes
- Hematogenous Spread
- Previously Seeded Pleural Fluid
Chest X-Ray (CXR) (see Chest X-Ray)
- Findings
- Diffuse Reticulonodular Infiltrates: often with linear markings radiating out from enlarged hilar or mediastinal nodes
- Kerley B Lines: thickened interlobular septa (seen at periphery of lung) due to pulmonary lymphatic obstruction
- Coexistent Pleural Effusion
- Present in 30-50% of Cases
- Effusion Occurs more commonly in breast cancer cases with lymphangitic lung mets than those with non-lymphangitic lung mets
High-Resolution Chest Computed Tomography (HRCT) (see Chest Computed Tomography)
- Findings
- “Beaded chain” or “string of pearls” thickening of interlobular septa -> producing polygonal shapes (outlining the lobule)
- Interlobular septa is usually irregular or nodular, but may be smoothly thickened
- In contrast, in interstitial pulmonary edema, interlobular septa is usually smoothly thickened
- Intervening parenchyma between the interlobular septa is typically normal (unlike in IPF, where it is usually distorted or honeycombed)
- Interlobular septa is usually irregular or nodular, but may be smoothly thickened
- Centrilobular peribronchovascular thickening
- Preservation of normal parenchymal architecture at the level of the secondary pulmonary lobule
- Thickening of the fissures as a result of the involvement of the lymphatics concentrated in the subpleural interstitium
- Peribronchovascular thickening
- Lung Nodules
- Pleural effusion (30-50% of cases)
- Effusion occurs more commonly in breast cancer cases with lymphangitic lung mets than those with non-lymphangitic lung mets
- Mediastinal and/or hilar lymphadenopathy (30-50% of cases)
- Above findings may be unilateral or bilateral, focal or diffuse, and symmetrical or asymmetrical
- Focal, unilateral lymphangitic disease occurs in 50% of cases
- Focal, unilateral pattern is seen commonly in cases due to lung cancer
- “Beaded chain” or “string of pearls” thickening of interlobular septa -> producing polygonal shapes (outlining the lobule)
Sputum Cytology
- May be used to diagnose lymphangitic mets
Bronchoscopy (see Bronchoscopy)
–BAL is more sensitive than sputum cytology in diagnosis of lymphangitic mets – BAL may be diagnostic in lymphangitic carcinomatosis cases due to lymphoma – However, lymphocytosis >35% may also be seen in sarcoidosis, berylliosis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, drug-induced ILD, LIP, breast cancer-related lymphangitic carcinmatosis, and infrequently, in lung cancer-related lymphangitic carcinmatosis cases) – Normal BAL lymphocyte percentage: <15% – BAL lymphocytosis is seen in about 50% of breast cancer cases with lymphangitic lung mets (Chest, 1992) – TBB: may be diagnostic – TBB use in this setting represents one of the few high yield uses of TBB in the diagnosis of interstitial lung disease – Cytology: immunohistochemical stains may be useful in identifying germ cell and breast cancers
PET Scan (see xxxx)
- 2005 Study: intensity of FDG uptake in the diseased lung is significantly greater than in the normal, contralateral lung [J Comput Assist Tomogr. May-Jun 2005;29(3):346-9]
- 2006 Study: comparing PET with HRCT scans in 5 patients with lymphangitic carcinomatosis [Clin Nucl Med. Nov 2006;31(11):673-8]
- FDG-PET scan activity distribution was identical to segmental, lobar, or diffuse areas of lymphangitic disease seen on HRCT
- In segmental lymphangitic carcinmatosis, linear or hazy FDG uptake extending from the tumor may be seen
Clinical Manifestations
General Comments
- Asymptomatic: often
Pulmonary Manifestations
- Dyspnea (see Dyspnea)
- Common
- Orthopnea (see Orthopnea)
- Common
- Cough (see Cough)
- Common: due to mucosal edema associated with airway lymphatic infiltration
- Chest Tightness (see Chest Pain)
- Chest pain (late in course, with pleural involvement)
- Pleural Effusion (see Pleural Effusion-Exudative)
- Occurs late in course
- Presence of Bronchoalveolar Lavage (BAL) Lymphocytosis (range: 15-45% of total cells): portends better prognosis in breast cancer cases with lymphangitic mets (Chest, 1992)
- Treat Underlying Malignancy
- Steroids: may provide some symptomatic relief
- May decrease inflammatory response to tumor cells in lung
- Opiates (see xxxx): may relieve dyspnea
- Nebulized Morphine Sulfate: may be useful
- Oxygen: may relieve dyspnea
- Antitussives: as required
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