(aka Exogenous Lipoid Pneumonia)
Types of Oil
- Mineral Oils (most commonly aspirated oils) -> oil droplets are taken up by macrophages, macrohages disintegrate and release the oil droplets, which inhibit ciliary activity (therefore, oil is not expectorated and cycle continues) -> leads to development of fibrotic or granulomatous reaction
- Neutral Oils: vegetable oils -> do not elicit a local reaction and are removed by expectoration
- Olive Oil
- Castor Oil
- Animal Fats: rapidly hydrolyzed -> liberated fatty acids produce tissue necrosis and subsequent fibrosis
- Milk
- Butter
Etiology of Exogenous Lipoid Pneumonia
- Nocturnal Aspiration of Mineral Oil: usually in older patients as a treatment for constipation
- Mineral oil is a mix of inert long-chain saturated hydrocarbons (obtained from petroleum)
- Mineral oil inhibits the cough reflex and ciliary motility, facilitating inhalation
- Aspiration of Petroleum Gels
- Vicks Vapo-Rub: used for dry nasal passages
- Petroleum Gel Used to Lubricate ET Tube: during intubation
- Aspiration of Other Oils
- Oily nose drops
- Olive oil
- Milk
- Cod liver oil
- Paraffin oil
- Poppy seed oil
- Methenamine mandelate suspension (urinary antiseptic)
Aspiration of Oil-Based Sprays
- Motor oil sprays
- Industrial oil sprays
Cyclosporin A (CSA):
- Iodine/Radiographic Contrast:
- Aspiration of exogenous lipid (oily nosedrops/mineral oil/etc) into lungs
- Underlying GERD is an important contributing factor
Clinical Presentations
- Asymptomatic
- Lung Nodule
- Diagnosis
- CXR/Chest CT: solitary lung nodule
- Diagnosis
- Alveolar or Interstitial Pneumonia (see [[Pneumonia]] and [[ILD-Etiology]])
- Diagnosis
- CXR/Chest CT
- Alveolar infiltrates: especially in the lower lobes
- ”CT Angiogram Sign”: branching pulmonary arteries seen within consolidated lung on Chest CT -> however, this sign is not specific for lipoid pneumonia
- HRCT: “Crazy Paving” -> ground glass density in a mesh-work of reticular lines representing thickened intralobular septa (this pattern is typical for alveolar proteinosis, but has also been reported with lipoid pneumonia and other conditions)
- FOB:
- BAL: before fixation, stained with oil-red-O or Sudan red will show alveolar macrophages with vacuolated cytoplasm (this strongly suggest the diagnosis in the proper clinical setting)
- TBB: characteristic circular empty spaces in tissue sections (due to loss of lipid during prep) with surrounding inflammation
- OLB: vacuolated intra-alveolar macrophages
- Foreign-body granulomas with giant cells
- Chronic: granulomatous pneumonitis with fibroblastic proliferation, fibrosis, masses of foamy macrophages, foreign-body giant cells
- CXR/Chest CT
- Diagnosis
- Acute Lung Injury-ARDS (see [[Acute Lung Injury-ARDS]])
- Epidemiology: may occur
- Withdraw Agent
- 46% of cases improve
- 25% stabilize
- 21% continue to deteriorate (due to fibrosis and respiratory failure)
- Corticosteroids: effective in acute and subacute cases
- May be effective in a few chronic cases
- Whole Lung Lavage: has been used in some cases
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