Negative Pressure Ventilation vs Positive Pressure Ventilation
- Negative Pressure Ventilation
- Concept
- Negative Pressure is Created Around the Chest Wall, Resulting in Negative Intrapleural Pressure
- “Pulls” Air into the Airways
- Examples:
- Cuirass Ventilation
- Iron Lung Ventilation
- Advantages
- Mimics the Normal Respiratory Physiologic Function Which Normally Occurs with Diaphragmatic Contraction
- Disadvantages
- Negative Pressure within the Airway During Inspiration (without an Endotracheal Tube) Predisposes Upper Airway Collapse
- Lack of Endotracheal Tube Impairs Access to the Lower Airways (Via Bronchoscopy, etc) to Facilitate Sampling and Secretion Clearance
- Concept
- Positive Pressure Ventilation
- Concept
- Positive Pressure is Created at Mouth or Proximal End of Endotracheal Tube, Resulting in Positive Intra-Airway Pressure
- “Pushes” Air into the Airways
- Examples
- Bag-Valve-Mask (BMV) Ventilation (see Airway Management)
- Noninvasive Positive-Pressure Ventilation (NIPPV) (see Noninvasive Positive-Pressure Ventilation)
- Endotracheal Intubation with Invasive Mechanical Ventilation
- Advantages
- Presence of Endotracheal Tube Allows Protection of Upper Airway and Access to Lower Airways (Via Bronchoscopy, etc) to Facilitate Sampling and Clearance)
- Disadvantages
- Less Physiologic, as Compared to Normal Respiratory Physiologic Function
- Requires Close Monitoring of Pressure and Volume Being Utilized to Avoid Lung Injury
- Concept
Volume-Cycled vs Pressure-Cycled Ventilation
- Volume-Cycled Ventilation
- Mechanism of Delivery: delivers a pre-determined volume (VT) at a set inspiratory flow rate and respiratory rate (RR), allowing exhalation when volume is reached (resultingly, airway pressure is determined by lung mechanics or patient effort)
- Advantages
- Providers are More Familiar with Volume-Cycled Ventilator Modes, Facilitating Troubleshooting
- Decreased Lung Compliance (Pneumothorax, etc) During Volume-Cycled Ventilation Results in Easily Recognizable Increase in Peak Inspiratory Pressure (PIP)
- Disadvantages
- Inappropriately Large Tidal Volume (VT) May Result in High Peak Inspiratory Pressure (PIP) and Increased Plateau Pressure (Pplat), the Latter of Which is Most Associated with an Increased Risk of Barotrauma)
- Examples of Volume-Cycled Ventilation Modes
- Assist-Control (AC)
- Synchronous Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation (SIMV)
- Pressure-Regulated Volume Control (PRVC)
- Pressure-Cycled Ventilation
- Mechanism of Delivery: delivers a pre-determined pressure (resultingly, VT is determined by lung mechanics or patient effort)
- Advantages
- Increased Patient Comfort
- Disadvantages
- Providers are Less Familiar with Volume-Cycled Ventilator Modes, Complicating Troubleshooting
- Decreased Lung Compliance (Pneumothorax, etc) During Pressure-Cycled Ventilation Results in a Less Recognizable Decrease in Tidal Volume (VT)
- Examples of Pressure-Cycled Ventilation Modes
- Pressure-Control (PC)
- Pressure Support (PS)
- Clinical Efficacy: data suggest no significant differences in work of breathing, mortality rate, or oxygenation between volume-cycled vs pressure-cycled ventilation
- Randomized Trial of Volume-Cycled vs Pressure-Cycled Ventilation in Severe Respiratory Failure (Crit Care Med, 1994) [MEDLINE]
- Early Initiation of Pressure-Limited Ventilation was Associated with Lower Peak Airway Pressure and More Rapid Clinical Improvement in Static Thoracic Compliance than Volume-Cycled Ventilation
- Prospective, Observational Study of Pressure-Cycled vs Volume-Cycled Ventilation in ARDS (Chest, 2002) [MEDLINE]
- Pressure Control Ventilation Generated Lower Peak Pressures and May Have Homogenized Gas Distribution and Avoided Regional Overdistention
- Trial of Pressure-Cycled vs Volume-Cycled Ventilation in Acute Respiratory Failure (Eur Respir J, 2002) [MEDLINE]
- No Difference in Work of Breathing and Gas Exchange (at a Fixed Tidal Volume and Peak Inspiratory Flow)
- Randomized Trial of Volume-Cycled vs Pressure-Cycled Ventilation in Severe Respiratory Failure (Crit Care Med, 1994) [MEDLINE]
Variables Involved in Positive-Pressure Ventilation
- Trigger (What Initiates the Breath)
- Patient Effort (Detected as Either a Pressure or Flow Change): this is the trigger for patient-initiated breaths
- Set Machine Timer at a Set Respiratory Rate: this is the trigger for ventilator-initiated breaths
- Target (What Controls Gas Delivery During the Breath)
- Set Flow Rate (Such as the Peak Inspiratory Flow Rate)
- Set Inspiratory Pressure
- Cycle (What Terminates the Breath)
- Set Tidal Volume
- Set Inspiratory Time
- Set Flow Rate
- Airway Pressure: may be used a backup safety cycle variable in some cases
- General Comments
- Trigger Should Be Set to Allow the Patient to Easily Trigger the Initiation of a Breath (Anesthesiology, 1988) [MEDLINE]
- Pressure Triggering: patient attempting to initiate a breath results in a negative airway pressure with sensing by the demand valve
- Trigger Sensitivity is Typically Set at -1 to -3 cm H2O): ventilator-assisted breaths will be initiated when the alveolar pressure decreases to 1-3 cm H2O below atmospheric pressure
- Pressure Triggering May Be Used in AC and SIMV Modes
- Problems with Pressure Triggering
- Trigger Sensitivity Set Too High (i.e -1 cm H2O) May Result in the Inappropriate Triggering in Response to Cardiac Oscillations, Patient Movement, Water Moving in the Ventilator Tubing, etc
- Trigger Sensitivity Set Too Low (i.e. -4 cm H2O) May Result in Increased Work of Breathing or a Delay for the Patient to Trigger a Breath (and Therefore, Dyssynchrony)
- Presence of Auto-PEEP Impairs Pressure Triggering (and Therefore, Can Produce Dyssynchrony), Since the Patient Needs to First Overcome the Positive End-Expiratory Pressure to Trigger the Breath
- Flow Triggering: uses monitoring of a continuous flow of gas through the ventilator circuit, such that when the patient attempts to initiate a breath with generation of negative airflow, the ventilator breath is initiated when the return flow is less than the delivered flow
- Trigger Sensitivity is Typically set at 2L/min
- Flow Triggering May Be Used in CPAP, PS, AC, and SIMV Modes
- Flow Triggering
- Flow Triggering Decreases Work of Breathing in CPAP and During Spontaneous Breaths in SIMV (Crit Care Med, 1989) [MEDLINE] (Crit Care Med, 1994) [MEDLINE] (Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 1995) [MEDLINE] (Crit Care Med, 2000) [MEDLINE]
- Flow Triggering Decreases Work of Breathing During IMV (Crit Care Med, 1994) [MEDLINE]
- Flow Triggering Decreases Work of Breathing During PS (Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 1998) [MEDLINE]
- Flow Triggering Does Not Decrease the Work of Breathing During AC (Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 1998) [MEDLINE]
Tidal Volume
Clinical Efficacy-Tidal Volume Setting in Patients without Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
- Randomized IMPROVE Trial Examining Intraoperative Low Tidal Volume Ventilation in Patients Undergoing Major Abdominal Surgery (NEJM, 2013) [MEDLINE]
- Intraoperative Low Tidal Volume Ventilation (6-8 mL/kg PBW, PEEP 6-8 cm H2O, Recruitment Maneuvers q30 min) was Associated with Decreased Adverse Pulmonary/Extrapulmonary Events, Decreased Need for Mechanical Ventilation and Decreased Hospital Length of Stay in Intermediate and High-Risk Patients Undergoing Major Abdominal Surgery
- Lung Protective Strategy Did Not Decrease the Development of ARDS or Impact the Mortality Rate
- Meta-Analysis of Low Tidal Volume Ventilation in Non-ARDS Patients (JAMA, 2012) [MEDLINE]: n= 2,822 (20 studies)
- Low Tidal Volume Ventilation Decreased the Development of Lung Injury and Decreased the Mortality Rate
- Systematic Review of Low Tidal Volume Ventilation in Non-ARDS Patients (Crit Care Med, 2015) [MEDLINE]
- Low Tidal Volume Ventilation Decreased Pulmonary Complications
- Meta-Analysis of Low Tidal Volume Ventilation in Patients without ARDS (Intensive Care Med, 2014) [MEDLINE]
- Use of Lower Tidal Volumes in Patients without ARDS at the Onset of Mechanical Ventilation Could Be Associated with a Shorter Duration of Ventilation
- Use of Lower Tidal Volumes Seems No to Affect Sedation or Analgesia Needs, But This Must Be Confirmed in a Robust, Well-Powered Randomized Controlled Trial
- Meta-Analysis of Efficacy of Intraoperative Low Tidal Volume Ventilation in Preventing Postoperative Pulmonary Complications (Ann Surg, 2016) [MEDLINE]: n = 1054 (16 studies)
- Intraoperative Low Tidal Volume Ventilation in Conjunction with PEEP and Recruitment Maneuvers Improved Clinical Pulmonary Outcomes (Atelectasis, Lung Infection, Acute Lung Injury) and Decreased Hospital Length of Stay in Otherwise Healthy Patients Undergoing General Surgery
- PReVENT Trial Comparing Low (7 mL/kg PBW) vs Intermediate (9 mL/kg PBW) Tidal Volume Ventilation in ICU Patients at Risk for ARDS (JAMA, 2018) [MEDLINE]: n = 961 (6 centers)
- Study Design
- Randomized Patients Not Expected to Be Extubated within 24 hrs (Majority were Randomized within 1 hr of Start of Mechanical Ventilation)
- Low Tidal Volume Group Used Higher Tidal Volume (7 mL/kg PBW) than in Other Similar Studies (Which Generally Used 6 mL/kg PBW), Because Pressure Support was Used More Frequently in this Group
- By Day 1, 58% of Patients in the Low Tidal Volume Group were Receiving Pressure Support Ventilation (Which Allowed Large Spontaneous Tidal Volumes if the Patients were on Minimal Ventilatory Support)
- On Day 1, 59% of Patient in the Low Tidal Volume Group Received a Tidal Volume >6 mL/kg PBW and 14% of Patients Received a Tidal Volume >9.5 mL/kg PBW
- On Days 1 and 2, Respectively, Estimates Suggest that Only 25% of Patients in the Intermediate Tidal Volume Group Received Tidal Volumes >10 mL/kg PBW
- In ICU Patients without ARDS, There was No Difference Between Low Tidal Volume Ventilation Strategy (7 mL/kg PBW) and Intermediate Tidal Volume Ventilation Strategy (9 mL/kg PBW), in Terms of Ventilator-Free Days at Day 28
- In ICU Patients without ARDS, There was No Difference Between Low Tidal Volume Ventilation Strategy (7 mL/kg PBW) and Intermediate Tidal Volume Ventilation Strategy (9 mL/kg PBW), in Terms of ICU Length of Stay, Hospital Length of Stay, 90-Day Mortality, Incidence of ARDS, Incidence of Pneumonia, Incidence of Severe Atelectasis, and Incidence of Pneumothorax
- Possible Explanations for Lack of Effect of the Low Tidal Volume Ventilation Strategy
- The Low Tidal Volume Ventilation Strategy was Associated with Respiratory Acidosis, Which Might Have Influenced the Duration of Ventilation
- Driving Pressure in the Intermediate Volume Ventilation Strategy was Still within a Protective Range for Patients without ARDS
- Critique
- Some Experts Have Suggested that the PReVENT Trial Demonstrates that a Negative Trial May Be the Result of Inadequate Separation Between Interventions
- Study Design
- Spanish Randomized iPROVE Trial of Multiple Ventilation Strategies in Patients Undergoing Abdominal Surgery (Lancet Respir Med, 2018) [MEDLINE]: n = 1,012
- Strategies: individualized intraoperative ventilation with individualized PEEP after a lung recruitment maneuver plus individualized postoperative CPAP, individualized intraoperative ventilation plus postoperative CPAP, and standard intraoperative ventilation plus postoperative CPAP, or standard intraoperative ventilation plus standard postoperative oxygen therapy
- Ventilation Strategy Did Not Impact the Postoperative Complication Rate
Recommendations-Tidal Volume Setting in Patients without Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
- Lung-Protective Ventilation Strategy with Low Tidal Volume Ventilation (6-8 mL/kg PBW) and Low Plateau Pressure (<30 cm H2O) is Probably Recommended
Clinical Efficacy-Tidal Volume Setting in Patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) (see Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome)
- The Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Network (ARDSNet) Multicenter Randomized Trial Comparing High Tidal Volume (12 mL/kg PBW and Plateau Pressure <50 cm H2O) with Low Tidal Volume (6 mL/kg PBW and Plateau Pressure <30 cm H2O) Ventilation (NEJM, 2000) [MEDLINE]: n = 861
- Trial was Stopped Prematurely Due to Mortality Benefit and Increased Ventilator-Free Days in Low Tidal Volume Ventilation Group
- Low Tidal Volume Group Had Decreased Mortality Rate (31%), as Compared to High Tidal Volume Group (39.8%)
- However, Tidal Volumes Between 6 and 12 mL/g PBW were Not Studied
- Low Tidal Volume Group Had Increased Ventilator-Free Days During the First 28 Days (12 +/- 11), as Compared to the High Tidal Volume Group (10 +/- 11)
- Mean Tidal Volumes Achieved on Days 1-3 in Low Tidal Volume Group were Lower (6.2 +/- 0.8 mL/kg PBW), as Compared to High Tidal Volume Group (11.8 +/- 0.8 mL/kg PBW)
- Mean Plateau Pressures Achieved in Low Tidal Volume Group were Lower (25 +/- 6 cm H2O), as Compared to High Tidal Volume Group (33 +/- 8 cm H2O)
- Arterial pCO2 was 4-7 mm Hg Higher in Low Tidal Volume Group, But pCO2 Never Exceeded 44 mm Hg: this is likely not clinically significant
- FIO2 was Higher in the Low Tidal Volume Group on Days 1 and 3, Becoming Equivalent by Day 7: this suggests that the institution of low tidal volumes resulted in a transient worsening of oxygenation
- Auto-PEEP was Higher in the Low Tidal Volume Group (Who Had Higher Respiratory Rates), Although the Difference in Median Auto-PEEP was <1 cm H2O: this is likely not clinically significant (Crit Care Med, 2005) [MEDLINE]
- Review of Animal/Human Data from ARDS Clinical Trials Network (and Original Data) Examining if There is a Safe Upper Limit of Plateau Pressure in ARDS (Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2005)
- Authors Could Not Identify a Safe Upper Limit for Plateau Pressure in ARDS
- Study of Sedative Use During Low Tidal Volume Ventilation (Crit Care Med, 2005) [MEDLINE]
- Low Tidal Volume Ventilation Does Not Result in Increased Use of Sedatives, Opiates, or Paralytics
- Meta-Analysis of Low Tidal Volume and Limited Airway Pressure or Higher PEEP in ALI/ARDS (Ann Intern Med, 2009) [MEDLINE]
- Decreased Mortality with Routine Use of Low Tidal Volume, But Not High PEEP Ventilation, in Unselected Patients with ARDS or Acute Lung Injury
- High PEEP May Help to Prevent Life-Threatening Hypoxemia in Selected Patients
- Systematic Review of Pressure/Volume-Limited Strategies (PLoS One, 2011) [MEDLINE]: the ARDS Network trial [MEDLINE] contributed 21.4% of the weight toward the summary estimate of effect in this analysis
- Pressure/Volume-Limited Strategies Decrease Mortality Rate and are Associated with Increased Use of Paralytics
- Cochrane Database Review of Lung Protective Ventilation Strategies in ARDS (Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2013) [MEDLINE]
- Lung Protective Strategies (Low Tidal Volume or Plateau Pressure <30 cm H2O) Decrease Mortality
- Trial Examining Predictors of Ventilator-Induced Lung Injury in ARDS (Anesthesiology, 2013) [MEDLINE]
- Rationale: stress index describes the shape of the airway pressure-time curve profile and may indicate tidal recruitment or tidal overdistension (convex downward pressure curve indicates initial low compliance with better compliance later in the breath due to recruitment, while convex upward curve indicates overdistention -> optimal curve is straight diagonal initial pressure waveform)
- Plateau Pressure Partitioned to the Respiratory System (Pplat,Rs) >25 cm H20 and Stress Index Partitioned to the Respiratory System (SI,Rs) >1.05 were Most Associated with Injurious Ventilation
- Systematic Review/Meta-Analysis of Morbidity/Mortality in Post-Operative Acute Lung Injury (Lancet Respir Med, 2014) [MEDLINE]
- Lung Protective Mechanical Ventilation Strategies (Applied During Surgery) Decrease the Incidence of Post-Operative Acute Lung Injury, But Do Not Decrease the Mortality Rate
- Study of Contribution of Driving Pressure to Mortality in ARDS (NEJM, 2015) [MEDLINE]: study used data from 9 prior randomized trials
- Rationale: lower tidal volume, lower plateau pressure, and higher PEEP are all believed to decrease mechanical stresses on the lung in ARDS (which can induce ventilator-associated lung injury)
- However, There is an Uncertainty When Optimizing One Component Adversely Affects Another (Example: Increasing PEEP May Undesirably Increase the Plateau Pressure), Which this Study Attempted to Address
- Authors Theorized in Their Study that Optimizing the Tidal Volume/Respiratory System Compliance Ratio (Known as the Driving Pressure = Delta P) Would Provide a Better Predictor of Outcome in ARDS
- Driving Pressure (Plateau Pressure – PEEP or Delta P) was the Best Predictor of Survival
- Decreases in Tidal Volume or Increases in PEEP Were Beneficial Only if They Resulted in a Decrease in Delta P (In Other Words, PEEP Increments are Protective Only When They are Associated with an Improvement in Respiratory System Compliance, So that the Same Tidal Volume Can Be Delivered with a Lower Delta P)
- Further Trials Using Specific Manipulation of Delta P are Required Before Recommending this Strategy as a Standard
- Caveat: Delta P Can Only Be Accurately Assessed in Non-Breathing Patients
- Rationale: lower tidal volume, lower plateau pressure, and higher PEEP are all believed to decrease mechanical stresses on the lung in ARDS (which can induce ventilator-associated lung injury)
Recommendations-Tidal Volume Setting in Patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) (American Thoracic Society/European Society of Intensive Care Medicine/Society of Critical Care Medicine Clinical Practice Guidelines for Mechanical Ventilation in ARDS) (Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2017) [MEDLINE]
- Lung-Protective Ventilation Strategy with Low Tidal Volume Ventilation (4-8 mL/kg PBW) and Low Plateau Pressure (<30 cm H2O) is Recommended (Strong Recommendation, Moderate Confidence)
- Predicted Body Weight (PBW)
- Male: PBW = 50 + 2.3 (ht in inches – 60)
- Female: PBW = 45.5 + 2.3 (ht in inches – 60)
- Maintaining the Plateau Pressure (Pplat) <35 cm H2O Decreases the Risk of Barotrauma (Since Plateau Pressure is the Best Clinical Estimate of Mean Alveolar Pressure)
- Driving Pressure = Plateau Pressure – PEEP
- In Some Cases of ARDS, Low Tidal Volume Ventilation May Require the Use of Permissive Hypercapnia (Which Occurs Due to an Increase in the Relative Amount of Dead Space)
- Predicted Body Weight (PBW)
Recommendations-Tidal Volume Setting in Patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) Associated with Sepsis (2016 Surviving Sepsis Guidelines; Intensive Care Med, 2017) [MEDLINE]
- Low Tidal Volume (6 mL/kg PBW) is Recommended Over High Tidal Volume (12 mL/kg PBW) in Sepsis-Associated ARDS (Strong Recommendation, High Quality of Evidence)
- Low Tidal Volume (6 mL/kg PBW) is Recommended Over High Tidal Volume (12 mL/kg PBW) in Sepsis-Associated Respiratory Failure without ARDS (Weak Recommendation, Low Quality of Evidence)
- Plateau Pressure Upper Limit of 30 cm H2O is Recommended in Sepsis-Associated Severe ARDS (Strong Recommendation, Moderate Quality of Evidence)
- Respiratory Rate Max Should Be 35 Breaths/min (Recognizing that Some Patients May Experience Hypercapnia)
- Hypercapnia is Generally Well-Tolerated in the Absence of Contraindications (Such as Increased Intracranial Pressure, Sickle Cell Crisis, etc)
“Lost Volume” on Ventilator
- Lost Volume is a Disparity Between the Inspiratory Tidal and Expiratory Tidal Volume (i.e. Expiratory Tidal Volume < Inspiratory Tidal Volume)
- Etiology of Lost Volume on the Ventilator
- Bronchopleural Fistula (see Bronchopleural Fistula)
- Air Leak from the Chest Tube is Present
- Endotracheal Tube (ETT) Cuff Leak
- Air Leak Around the Endotracheal Tube Cuff is Frequently Audible or Manifested by Secretions Bubbling Out from the Patient’s Mouth During Exhalation
- Inadvertent Extubation
- May Occur After Patient Turning or Repositioning
- May Be Accompanied by Respiratory Distress or Precipitous Oxygen Desaturation
- Inadvertent Nasogastric (NG)/Orogastric (OG) Tube Placement into the Trachea/Mainstem Bronchus (with Suction Applied) (see Nasogastric/Orogastric Tube)
- Diagnosis Can Be Made by Chest X-Ray or Bronchoscopy, Demonstrating Nasogastric/Orogastric Tube in the Trachea/Mainstem Bronchus
- Leak in Ventilator Circuit
- Due to a Loose Connection or Fractured Ventilator Tubing
- Ventilator Malfunction
- Bronchopleural Fistula (see Bronchopleural Fistula)
Respiratory Rate (RR)
- Respiratory Rate Should Be Adjusted to Maintain Appropriate pCO2 and pH
- Respiratory Rate Should Be Set to Allow an Adequate Minute Ventilation, Should the Patient Become Apneic
- In ARDS, the Maximum Respiratory Rate Should Be ≤35 Breaths/min
- When Increasing the Respiratory Rate in Some Modes of Ventilation, Inspiratory Flow Rate Can Be Increased to Maintain the I/E Ratio: to prevent the development of auto-PEEP
- When Increasing the Respiratory Rate, the Patient Should Be Monitored for the Development of Auto-PEEP
- High Respiratory Rates in Patients Mechanically-Ventilated for Acute Respiratory Failure Can Produce Dynamic Hyperinflation (with Development of Auto-PEEP), Increase the Dead Space/Tidal Volume Ratio, and Impair Right Ventricular Ejection with a Decrease in the Cardiac Output (Crit Care Med, 2002) [MEDLINE]: n = 14
- In a Patient Who Develops Auto-PEEP on a Respiratory Rate Which Achieves a Normal pH, Respiratory Rate Can Be Decreased and “Permissive Hypercapnia” Utilized
Minute Ventilation (VE)
- PhysiologicDefinition
- VE = VA + VD
- Minute Ventilation (VE): expressed in L/min
- Alveolar Ventilation (VA): expressed in L/min
- Dead Space Ventilation (VD): expressed in L/min
- Not on the Ventilator: VD is equivalent to approximately 1/3 of resting tidal volume (or approximately 2.2 ml/kg)
- On the Ventilator with Lung Pathology: VD/VT ratio is variable
- VE = VA + VD
- Clinical Definition
- VE = RR x VT
- Minute Ventilation (VE): expressed in L/min
- Respiratory Rate (RR): expressed in breaths/min
- Tidal Volume (VT): expressed in L/breath
- VE = RR x VT
Positive End-Expiratory Pressure (PEEP)
- Extrinsic PEEP: PEEP applied by the clinician
- Auto-PEEP (Intrinsic PEEP): PEEP which develops due to intrinsic properties of the lungs and/or airways
- Total PEEP = Extrinsic PEEP + Auto-PEEP
- Use of PEEP in Severe Asthma/COPD Exacerbation with Airway Obstruction
- During Severe Asthma/COPD Exacerbation (with Airway Obstruction), the Airways Behave Like a Starling Resistor (Chest, 1989) [MEDLINE]
- Ohmic Resistor (i.e. One Which Follows Ohm’s Law)
- With an Ohmic Resistor, if Extrinsic PEEP is Decreased, the Peak Airway Pressure (PIP) Would Be Expected to Decrease by a Similar Amount: this is one would expect with normal lungs
- Starling Resistor: flow rate in the airways is not dependent on the amount extrinsic PEEP applied
- Example Using a “Waterfall” Analogy: the flow rate of a waterfall is not impacted by the level of the pool of water below (of course, until the pool of water rises to the level of the waterfall)
- With a Starling Resistor, When Extrinsic PEEP is Decreased, the Peak Airway Pressure (PIP) Does Not Decrease by a Similar Amount: this is due to the fact that flow is determined by upstream events only
- Ohmic Resistor (i.e. One Which Follows Ohm’s Law)
- During Severe Asthma/COPD Exacerbation (with Airway Obstruction), the Airways Behave Like a Starling Resistor (Chest, 1989) [MEDLINE]
Beneficial Effects of Positive End-Expiratory Pressure (PEEP)
- PEEP Decreases End-Expiratory Alveolar Derecruitment (Collapse), Rather than Increasing Alveolar Recruitment
- End-Expiratory Alveolar Collapse Occurs in Intubated Patients Due to the Fact that the Endotracheal Tube Bypasses the Glottis
- Derecruited Lung is Correlated with Intrapulmonary Shunt (Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2017) [MEDLINE]
- Improvement in Oxygenation with Increased PEEP Generally Reflects Lung Recruitment
- However, Oxygenation is Also Influenced by Other Factors Which May Be Affected by PEEP (Cardiac Output, etc)
- Decreased End-Expiratory Alveolar Derecruitment Can Mitigate Ventilator-Induced Lung Injury (VILI) (Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2017) [MEDLINE]
- In ARDS, a Combination of Physiologic Variables (pO2/FIO2 Ratio <150 at a PEEP 5 cm H2O, a Decrease in Dead Space, and an Increase in Respiratory System Compliance with an Increase in PEEP to 15 cm H2O) Predicted a Higher Percentage of Potentially Recruitable Lung (NEJM, 2006) [MEDLINE]
- Quantification of the Amount of Recruitable Lung Can Be Achieved Using Chest Computed Tomography (CT), Helium Dilution/Nitrogen Washout Techniques, Electrical Impedance Tomography, or Construction of Airway Pressure-Volume Curves at Tidal Ventilation with Different Levels of PEEP (Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2017) [MEDLINE]
- Estimates of Recruitability from Helium Dilution and Pressure–Volume Curves are Strongly Correlated with Each Other, But Both are Poorly Correlated with Estimates of Recruitability Obtained from Chest CT Scanning
- This Discrepancy May Be Accounted for by the Fact that CT Measures the Opening of Previously Collapsed Lung Units, While the Helium Dilution and Pressure–Volume Curve Techniques Measure the Volume of Gas Entering Newly Recruited Lung Units Together with Previously Opened Lung Units
- PEEP Decreases Intrapulmonary Shunting
- PEEP is Transmitted to the Most Compliant Lung Regions and Therefore, is Most Useful for Diffuse Lung Processes (Multilobar Pneumonia, ARDS, Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema, etc) and is Less Useful for Localized Lung Processes
- In Patients with Focal Lung Disease (Pneumonia, etc), PEEP Compresses Alveolar Capillaries in the Uninvolved Regions of the Lung (Causing Dead Space with High V/Q Ratio in That Region), Diverting Blood Flow to the Injured Lung Region (Causing Low V/Q Ratio in That Region) (J Appl Physiol Respir Environ Exerc Physiol, 1982) [MEDLINE]
- PEEP is Transmitted to the Most Compliant Lung Regions and Therefore, is Most Useful for Diffuse Lung Processes (Multilobar Pneumonia, ARDS, Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema, etc) and is Less Useful for Localized Lung Processes
- PEEP Improves Lung Compliance (Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2017) [MEDLINE]
- PEEP Increases the Number of Aerated Alveoli Participating in Tidal Ventilation, Decreasing Tidal Lung Stress and Strain (i.e. Improving Lung Compliance)
- PEEP Decreases the Risk of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia (VAP) (see Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia and Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia) (Crit Care Med, 2008) [MEDLINE]
- PEEP Decreases the Passage of Posterior Pharyngeal Secretions Around the Endotracheal Tube Cuff into the Lungs (Crit Care Med, 2008) [MEDLINE]
- PEEP Promotes More Homogeneous Ventilation
- PEEP Distributes Ventilation and Blood Flow Differently in the Supine vs Prone Position (Anesthesiology, 2010) [MEDLINE]
- PEEP Might Be Less Effective and Worsen V/Q Mismatch During Prone Ventilation
- PEEP Distributes Ventilation and Blood Flow Differently in the Supine vs Prone Position (Anesthesiology, 2010) [MEDLINE]
- PEEP Decreases Dynamic Airway Compression (Intensive Care Med, 1993) [MEDLINE]
- At Lower Levels, PEEP Improves Cardiac Output (NEJM, 1975) [MEDLINE]
Adverse Effects of Positive End-Expiratory Pressure (PEEP)
- At Higher Levels, PEEP Decreases Cardiac Output and May Result in Hypotension (Chest, 2005) [MEDLINE]
- Mechanism: at higher levels, PEEP increases Intrathoracic pressure (and increasing right atrial pressure), decreasing to the right side of the heart, culminating in a decrease in cardiac output
- Decreased Mixed Venous pO2
- Decreased Arterial pO2
- However, PEEP of 10-20 cm H2O Has Been Demonstrated to Be Well-Tolerated in Most ARDS Patients (Crit Care, 2004) [MEDLINE]
- Mechanism: at higher levels, PEEP increases Intrathoracic pressure (and increasing right atrial pressure), decreasing to the right side of the heart, culminating in a decrease in cardiac output
- PEEP May Undesirably Cause Alveolar Overdistention
- While PEEP is Generally Thought to Have Beneficial Effects When Used in ARDS, PEEP May Result in Predominant Alveolar Recruitment, Predominant Alveolar Overdistention, or a Combination of Both Recruitment and Overdistention
- Consequently, PEEP Could Theoretically Increase Contribute to Ventilator-Induced Lung Injury with Overdistention Propagating Lung Inflammation and Injury (Similar to the Effects of Excessive Tidal Volume)
- Lung Recruitability is a Critical Determinant Which Will Determine the Effect of PEEP on the Injured Lung and the Amount of Lung Which Can Be Recruited Varies Widely in Patients with ARDS (NEJM, 2006) [MEDLINE]
- In Patients with High Lung Recruitability, Much of the Increase in End-Expiratory Lung Volume (EELV) with PEEP Results from Opening of Collapsed Lung Units, Decreasing Cyclic Lung Collapse/Reopening anf Decreasing Dynamic Strain in Aerated Lung Units (Due to an Increase in Aerated Lung Volume Available for Tidal Volume Distribution)
- In Patients with Low Lung Recruitability, PEEP Results in Additional Distention of Already Aerated Lung Tissue, Possibly Causing Overdistention Injury
- Personalized PEEP Titration, Based on Recruitability, Oxygenation Response After Increases in PEEP (a Marker Lung Recruitment) Predicted a Lower Mortality Rate in ARDS (Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2014) [MEDLINE]
- While PEEP is Generally Thought to Have Beneficial Effects When Used in ARDS, PEEP May Result in Predominant Alveolar Recruitment, Predominant Alveolar Overdistention, or a Combination of Both Recruitment and Overdistention
- PEEP May Increase Pulmonary Vascular Resistance (PVR) by Narrowing or Occluding Alveolar Septal Vessels, Which are Surrounded by Alveolar Pressure (Even When Using Low Tidal Volumes) (Crit Care Med, 2010) [MEDLINE]
- Consequently, Increased PVR Increases the Right Ventricular Afterload, Further Decreasing Cardiac Output
- PEEP Can Worsen Alveolar Dead Space by Increasing the Volume of Lung in Which Alveolar Pressure Exceeds Pulmonary Capillary Pressure (NEJM, 1975) [MEDLINE]
- PEEP Increases Peak Inspiratory Pressure (PIP)
- The Addition of PEEP Will Generally Increase the PIP by an Equivalent Amount, Except in the Presence of Auto-PEEP
- In Fact, the Failure of the PIP to Increase with Application of Extrinsic PEEP is Evidence for the Presence of Auto-PEEP
- PEEP Can Increase the Plateau Pressure (Pplat)
- PEEP Exacerbates Right-to-Left Shunting Through a Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO) (see Patent Foramen Ovale) (Ann Intern Med, 1993) [MEDLINE]
- PEEP May Increase Intracranial Pressure (Controversial) (see Increased Intracranial Pressure)
- Mechanism: PEEP may decrease cerebral venous outflow
- In Patients with Stroke, PEEP Did Not Increase the Intracranial Pressure (Stroke, 2001) [MEDLINE]
- In Severe Traumatic Brain Injury, PEEP Did Not Decrease Cerebral Perfusion (J Trauma, 2002) [MEDLINE]
- In Animal Studies and Patients with SAH, PEEP Did Not Directly Increase the Intracranial Pressure, But Did So Only by Inducing Hypotension (Crit Care Med, 2005) [MEDLINE]
- Mechanism: PEEP may decrease cerebral venous outflow
Techniques/Strategies to Set the Optimum Amount of PEEP
- FIO2/PEEP Table Strategy
- The ARDSNet Trial Standardized FIO2/PEEP Table is the One Most Commonly Used [ARDSNet] (NEJM, 2000) [MEDLINE]
- The ALVEOLI Trial Compared Low PEEP and High PEEP and Found that Oxygenation Improved in the Higher PEEP Group, Suggesting that There was Greater Recruitment with Higher PEEP (NEJM, 2004) [MEDLINE]
- Oxygenation Responses Vary Widely Between Patients with ARDS
- While PEEP is Generally Set at a Minimum of 5 cm H2O and Titrated up, the Optimal Level of PEEP in a Patient with ARDS May Depend on the Tidal Volume Being Used (Crit Care, 2018) [MEDLINE]
- In a Comparative Study of 4 Bedside Methods to Optimize PEEP (FIO2/PEEP Table, Open Lung Strategy Limited by Plateau Pressure, Stress Index, and a Higher FIO2/PEEP Table), the ARDSNet PEEP/FIO2 Table was the Only Strategy Which Consistently Provided Higher PEEP Levels in Patients with Severe ARDS and Greater Recruitability, and Provided Lower PEEP Levels in Patients with Mild ARDS and Less Recruitability (Crit Care Med, 2014) [MEDLINE]
- Conclusion
- FIO2/PEEP Tables are Easy and Reasonable to Use, But They Do Not Necessarily Guarantee an Optimal PEEP Setting in an Individual Patient
- Open Lung Strategy Used in the EXPRESS Trial with High PEEP Until Plateau Pressure Reached 28-30 cm H2O (Not Exceeding This Level to Avoid Overdistention) (JAMA, 2008) [MEDLINE]
- However, This Technique Did Not Demonstrate a Mortality Benefit
- Higher PEEP Group Had Higher Ventilator-Free Days and Higher Organ Failure–Free Days
- Randomized Trial of Open Lung Approach in ARDS (Crit Care Med, 2016) [MEDLINE]
- Open Lung Approach Improved Oxygenation and Driving Pressure, without Detrimental Effects on Mortality, Ventilator-Free Days, or Barotrauma
- Conclusion
- This Strategy Does Not Always Result in the Optimal PEEP for an Individual Patient
- However, This Technique Did Not Demonstrate a Mortality Benefit
- Strategy to Optimize Lung Compliance (NEJM, 1975) [MEDLINE]
- Conclusion
- Unclear Benefit of This Strategy
- Conclusion
- Driving Pressure-Targeted Strategy
- In Meta-Analysis, Low Driving Pressure (Plateau Pressure – PEEP Difference) <13-15 cm H2O was Associated with Decreased Mortality Rate in ARDS (NEJM, 2015) [MEDLINE]
- Conclusion
- While Promising, This Strategy Needs Prospective Trials to Determine if it Indeed Improves the ARDS Mortality Rate
- Strategy to Maintain PEEP to Keep Tidal Ventilation Above the Lower Inflection Point on the Static Pressure-Volume Curve of the Lung (Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 1999) [MEDLINE]
- Note: this is the Static Curve, Not the Dynamic Curve Obtained During Mechanical Ventilation
- This May reduce the Potential for Sheer Forces Exacerbating Lung Injury in ARDS
- However, this Technique is Cumbersome (Requiring Deep Sedation and/or Neuromuscular Blockade) and Trials Do Not Indicate that it Has a Mortality Benefit
- Strategy Using the Stress Index to Determine the Optimal Amount of PEEP
- Stress Index is a Software-Derived Value Obtained During a Constant Flow Breath (to Determine the Pressure-Time Curve) in a Sedated Patient (i.e. with No Patient Effort) (Anesthesiology, 2013) [MEDLINE] (Respir Care, 2018) [MEDLINE]
- Optimal Stress Index is a Straight Diagonal (i.e. 1.0) Reflecting Unchanging Compliance Throughout the Breath
- If Recruitment/Derecruitment is Occurring During the Breath, the Stress Index Curve is Concave Bowing Upward (Low Compliance Early, Followed by High Compliance Later in the Breath) -> Stress Index <1
- If Overdistention is Occurring During the Breath, the Stress Index Curve is Concave Bowing Downward (High Compliance Early, Followed by Low Compliance Later in the Breath) -> Stress Index >1
- Strategy Using Transpulmonary Pressure
- This Technique is Based on Fact that Airway Pressures are Not a Reliable Indicator of Lung Stress
- Conditions Which Increase Chest Wall Elastance (Edema, Kyphoscoliosis, Abdominal Compartment Syndrome) or Shift the Pressure–Volume Curve of the Respiratory System or the Chest Wall to the Right (Obesity) Will Increase the Airway Pressure
- Difficult to Measure in Clinical Practice (Requires Esophageal Manometry)
- This Technique is Based on Fact that Airway Pressures are Not a Reliable Indicator of Lung Stress
- Strategy Using Oxygen Delivery to Determine the Optimal Amount of PEEP
- The Level of PEEP Which Optimizes Oxygen Delivery May Not Correlate with the Level of PEEP Which Maximizes Arterial Oxygenation (Br J Anaesth, 2016) [MEDLINE]
- CT/Ultrasound/Electrical Impedance Tomography Imaging-Guided Strategy
- None of These Have Been Widely Adopted
Clinical Efficacy-Positive End-Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) in Patients without Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
- Randomized IMPROVE Trial Examining Intraoperative Low Tidal Volume Ventilation in Patients Undergoing Major Abdominal Surgery (NEJM, 2013) [MEDLINE]
- Intraoperative Low Tidal Volume Ventilation (6-8 mL/kg PBW, PEEP 6-8 cm H2O, Recruitment Maneuvers q30 min) was Associated with Decreased Adverse Pulmonary/Extrapulmonary Events, Decreased Need for Mechanical Ventilation and Decreased Hospital Length of Stay in Intermediate and High-Risk Patients Undergoing Major Abdominal Surgery
- Lung Protective Strategy Did Not Decrease the Development of ARDS or Impact the Mortality Rate
- Randomized PROVHILO Trial of PEEP During Abdominal Surgery (Lancet, 2014) [MEDLINE]
- High PEEP (12 cm H20) and Recruitment Strategy During Abdominal Surgery Did Not Decrease Postoperative Pulmonary Complications, as Compared to Low PEEP Strategy (2 cm H2O)
- High PEEP Group Required More Vasopressors to Treat Intraoperative Hypotension
- Randomized Trial of PEEP in Patients Undergoing Elective Cardiac Surgery and Ventilated for Hypoxemia (JAMA, 2017) [MEDLINE]: n = 320
- Alveolar Recruitment with PEEP Decreased Pulmonary Complications, ICU Length of Stay, and Decreased Mortality Rate without Increasing the Risk of Barotrauma
- Spanish Randomized iPROVE Trial of Multiple Ventilation Strategiesin Patients Undergoing Abdominal Surgery (Lancet Respir Med, 2018) [MEDLINE]: n = 1,012
- Strategies: individualized intraoperative ventilation with individualized PEEP after a lung recruitment maneuver plus individualized postoperative CPAP, individualized intraoperative ventilation plus postoperative CPAP, and standard intraoperative ventilation plus postoperative CPAP, or standard intraoperative ventilation plus standard postoperative oxygen therapy
- Ventilation Strategy Did Not Impact the Postoperative Complication Rate
- Conclusions
- Overall
- Optimal Level of PEEP in Mechanically-Ventilated Patients without ARDS is Unknown
- Severe Airway Obstruction (Asthma/COPD Exacerbation, etc)
- Use of Extrinsic PEEP in Patients with Auto-PEEP Should Not Exceed 50-80% of the Amount of Auto-PEEP
- Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema (see Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema)
- PEEP Does Not Appear to Have a Clinical Benefit Above that of Positive-Pressure Ventilation Alone in Patients with Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema (Chest, 1998) [MEDLINE]
- Flail Chest (see Flail Chest)
- PEEP Has Unclear Clinical Benefit
- Tracheobronchomalacia (see Tracheobronchomalacia)
- PEEP Has an Unclear Clinical Benefit
- Overall
Clinical Efficacy-Positive End-Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) in Patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) (see Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome)
- In Patients with ALI/ARDS Who Receive Low Tidal Volume Ventilation (6 ml/kg PBW) and Plateau Pressure Limit of 30 cm H2O, Lower or Higher PEEP Levels Had No Impact on Mortality Rate, ICU Length of Stay, Weaning from the Ventilator, Ventilator-Free Days, or Organ Failure-Free Days
- Expiratory Pressure (EXPRESS) Study (JAMA, 2008) [MEDLINE]: French multicenter RCT (n = 767)
- Setting PEEP Aimed at Increasing Alveolar Recruitment While Limiting Hyperinflation Had No Impact on Mortality Rate
- However, it Improved Lung Function, Increased Ventilator-Free Days, and Decreased Non-Pulmonary Organ Failure-Free Days
- Lung Open Ventilation (LOV) Study (JAMA, 2008) [MEDLINE]
- Open Lung Ventilation Had No Impact on Mortality Rate
- However, There was Decreased Need for Salvage Therapies and Lower Incidence of Refractory Hypoxemia
- Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of PEEP Levels in ARDS (JAMA, 2010) [MEDLINE]
- Higher PEEP was Not Associated with Improved Hospital Survival, as Compared to Lower PEEP
- However, in the Subset of ARDS Patients with pO2/FiO2 Ratio <200 mm Hg, PEEP Improved Survival
- Trial Examining Predictors of Ventilator-Induced Lung Injury in ARDS (Anesthesiology, 2013) [MEDLINE]
- Rationale: stress index describes the shape of the airway pressure-time curve profile and may indicate tidal recruitment or tidal overdistension (convex downward pressure curve indicates initial low compliance with better compliance later in the breath due to recruitment, while convex upward curve indicates overdistention -> optimal curve is straight diagonal initial pressure waveform)
- Plateau Pressure Partitioned to the Respiratory System (Pplat,Rs) >25 cm H20 and Stress Index Partitioned to the Respiratory System (SI,Rs) >1.05 were Most Associated with Injurious Ventilation
- Study of Contribution of Driving Pressure to Mortality in ARDS (NEJM, 2015) [MEDLINE]: study used data from 9 prior randomized trials
- Rationale: lower tidal volume, lower plateau pressure, and higher PEEP are all believed to decrease mechanical stresses on the lung in ARDS (which can induce ventilator-associated lung injury)
- However, There is an Uncertainty When Optimizing One Component Adversely Affects Another (Example: Increasing PEEP May Undesirably Increase the Plateau Pressure), Which this Study Attempted to Address
- Authors Theorized in Their Study that Optimizing the Tidal Volume/Respiratory System Compliance Ratio (Known as the Driving Pressure = Delta P) Would Provide a Better Predictor of Outcome in ARDS
- Driving Pressure (Plateau Pressure – PEEP or Delta P) was the Best Predictor of Survival
- Decreases in Tidal Volume or Increases in PEEP Were Beneficial Only if They Resulted in a Decrease in Delta P (In Other Words, PEEP Increments are Protective Only When They are Associated with an Improvement in Respiratory System Compliance, So that the Same Tidal Volume Can Be Delivered with a Lower Delta P)
- Further Trials Using Specific Manipulation of Delta P are Required Before Recommending this Strategy as a Standard
- Caveat: Delta P Can Only Be Accurately Assessed in Non-Breathing Patients
- Rationale: lower tidal volume, lower plateau pressure, and higher PEEP are all believed to decrease mechanical stresses on the lung in ARDS (which can induce ventilator-associated lung injury)
- Randomized Trial of Open Lung Approach in ARDS (Crit Care Med, 2016) [MEDLINE]: n = 200
- Open Lung Approach Improved Oxygenation and Driving Pressure, without Detrimental Effects on Mortality, Ventilator-Free Days, or Barotrauma
- Study of Driving Pressure and Lung Stress in ARDS (Crit Care, 2016) [MEDLINE]
- The Applied Tidal Volume (mL/kg of Ideal Body Weight) was Not Related to Lung Gas Volume (r2 = 0.0005; p = 0.772)
- At Both PEEP Levels, the higher Airway Driving Pressure Group Had a Significantly Higher Lung Stress, Respiratory System and Lung Elastance, as Compared to the Lower Airway Driving Pressure Group
- Airway Driving Pressure was Significantly Related to Lung Stress (at PEEP +5, r2 = 0.581; p < 0.0001/at PEEP +15, r2 = 0.353; p < 0.0001)
- For a Lung Stress of 24 and 26 cmH2O, the Optimal Cutoff Values for the Airway Driving Pressure were 15.0 cm H2O (ROC AUC 0.85, 95 % CI: 0.782-0.922) and 16.7 (ROC AUC 0.84, 95 % CI: 0.742-0.936)
- Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Driving Pressure and Mortality Rate in ARDS (Crit Care Med, 2018) [MEDLINE]: n = 6,062 (7 studies)
- Median (Interquartile Range) Driving Pressure Between Higher and Lower Driving Pressure Groups was 15 cm H2O (14-16 cm H2O)
- Higher Driving pressure was Associated with a Significantly Higher Mortality Rate (Pooled Risk Ratio 1.44; 95% CI: 1.11-1.88; I = 85%)
- Sensitivity Analysis Restricted to the Three Studies with Similar Driving Pressure Cutoffs (13-15 cm H2O) Demonstrated Similar Results (Pooled Risk Ratio, 1.28; 95% CI: 1.14-1.43; I = 0%)
- Trial of PEEP in ARDS (Crit Care, 2018) [MEDLINE]
- Optimal PEEP (as Determined by Stress Index on the Ventilator) Depended on Tidal Volume
- Phase 2 Randomized EPVent-2 Trial Evaluating Esophageal Pressure-Guided Positive End-Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) Titration Strategy in ARDS (JAMA, 2019) [MEDLINE]: n = 200 (14 hospitals in North America)
- In Moderate-Severe ARDS (with Standard Low Tidal Volume Ventilation), Esophageal Pressure-Guided PEEP Titration Strategy Did Not Improve Mortality Rate or Ventilator-Free Days, as Compared to a Standard Empirical FIO2/PEEP Strategy
General Recommendations for Patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
- PEEP of 0 cm H2O is Generally is Accepted to Be Harmful in ARDS
- PEEP of 8-15 cm H2O is Appropriate in Most Patients with ARDS: although higher PEEP levels might be used in patients for whom a greater potential for recruitment can be demonstrated
- Although Further Trials are Required Before This Strategy Can Be Recommended, Increasing PEEP May Only Be Beneficial if it Results in a Decrease in the Delta P (Plateau Pressure – PEEP)
Recommendations for Patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) (American Thoracic Society/European Society of Intensive Care Medicine/Society of Critical Care Medicine Clinical Practice Guidelines for Mechanical Ventilation in ARDS) (Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2017) [MEDLINE]
- Higher PEEP (Rather Than Lower PEEP) is Recommended in Adults with Moderate-Severe ARDS (Conditional Recommendation, Moderate Confidence)
Recommendations for Patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) Associated with Sepsis (2016 Surviving Sepsis Guidelines; Intensive Care Med, 2017) [MEDLINE]
- Higher PEEP is Recommended Over Lower PEEP in Adults with Sepsis-Associated Moderate-Severe ARDS (Weak Recommendation, Moderate Quality of Evidence)
- The Optimal Method for Selecting PEEP is Unclear
- Potential Methods Include Titrating PEEP Upward on a Tidal Volume of 6 mL/kg Until the Plateau Pressure is 28 cm H20, Titrating PEEP to Optimize Thoracoabdominal Compliance with the Lowest Driving Pressure, Titrating PEEP Based on Decreasing the FIO2 to Maintain Adequate Oxygenation, etc
Flow Rate and Pattern
- Peak Flow Rate Should Be Set at a Level Sufficient to Overcome the Pulmonary and Ventilator Impedance
- Insufficient Flow Rates Result in Increased Work of Breathing, Dyspnea, Spuriously Low Peak Inspiratory Pressure, and/or Scalloping of the Inspiratory Pressure Curve (NEJM, 1994) [MEDLINE]
- Flow Waveform
- Square (Constant Flow) Waveform
- Decelerating (Ramp) Flow Waveform: may distribute ventilation more evenly than other patterns of flow, especially in the setting of airway obstruction (Intensive Care Med, 1985) [MEDLINE]
- This Waveform Decreases the Peak Airway Pressure, Physiologic Dead Space, and pCO2, While Leaving Oxygenation Unchanged (Chest, 2002) [MEDLINE]
- Sinusoidal Waveform
- Set Peak Flow Rates Typically Range from 60 L/min to 100 L/min
- High Peak Flow Rates are Commonly Used in Patients with Obstructive Lung Disease: these allow shorter inspiratory times with longer expiratory times (i.e. lower I/E ratio), decreasing the risk of dynamic hyperinflation (Intensive Care Med, 1996) [MEDLINE]
- Normal I/E Ratio: 1:2
- Typical I/E Ratio Employed During Mechanical Ventilation of Patient with Obstructive Lung Disease: 1:3 to 1:5
- of High Inspiratory Flow Rate During Assist Control Ventilation is Associated with an Increase in the Respiratory Rate (During Both Wakefulness and Sleep and in Health and Disease States) (Curr Opin Crit Care, 2003)* [MEDLINE]: such changes occur before changes in the arterial blood gas, consistent with either Hering-Breuer reflex activity or effects of flow-sensitive receptors
- High Peak Flow Rates are Commonly Used in Patients with Obstructive Lung Disease: these allow shorter inspiratory times with longer expiratory times (i.e. lower I/E ratio), decreasing the risk of dynamic hyperinflation (Intensive Care Med, 1996) [MEDLINE]
Adverse Effects of High Flow Rate
- Increased Peak Inspiratory Pressure (PIP) (Eur Respir J, 2002) [MEDLINE]
- Decreased Inspiratory Time with Decreased Mean Airway Pressure (Which May Result in Worsened Oxygenation)
Fraction of Inspired Oxygen (FIO2)
Clinical Efficacy
- Randomized Trial of Conservative Oxygen Strategy in Mechanically-Ventilated Patients (Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2016) [MEDLINE]
- Conservative Oxygen Strategy (SpO 88-92%) Did Not Impact the ICU or 90-Day Mortality Rate or Risk of Organ Dysfunction, as Compared to Liberal Oxygen Strategy (SpO2 ≥96%)
- Italian Oxygen-ICU Trial of Conventional Oxygen Strategy (pO2 Up to 150 mm Hg or SaO2 97-100%) vs Conservative Oxygen Strategy (pO2 70-100 or SaO2 94-98%) in a General ICU Population (Stay of ≥72 hrs) (JAMA, 2016) [MEDLINE]: trial had unplanned, early termination
- Conservative Oxygen Strategy Decreased Mortality Rate, as Compared to the Conventional Oxygen Strategy
- French HYPERS2S Trial of Hyperoxia and Hypertonic Saline in Septic Shock (Lancet Respir Med, 2017) [MEDLINE]
- Trial Stopped Prematurely for Safety Reasons
- Setting FiO2 to 100% to Induce Arterial Hyperoxia Might Increase the Mortality Rate in Septic Shock
- Hypertonic (3%) Saline Resuscitation Did Not Decrease the Mortality Rate in Septic Shock
- Improving Oxygen Therapy in Acute-illness (IOTA) Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Conservative vs Liberal Oxygen Strategy in Critically Ill Patients (Lancet, 2018) [MEDLINE]: n = 25 trials (in patients with sepsis, critical illness, stroke, trauma, myocardial infarction, cardiac arrest, and emergency surgery)
- In Acutely Ill Adults, Liberal Oxygen Therapy Strategy (Median SaO2 96%, Range 94-99%) Increases the 30-Day (and Longest Follow-Up) Mortality Rate, as Compared to a Conservative Oxygen Therapy Strategy (Relative Risk at 30 Days was 1.21, 95% CI 1.03-1.43)
- Supplemental Oxygen Might Become Unfavorable with SaO2 >94-96%
- In Acutely Ill Adults, Liberal Oxygen Therapy Strategy (Median SaO2 96%, Range 94-99%) Increases the 30-Day (and Longest Follow-Up) Mortality Rate, as Compared to a Conservative Oxygen Therapy Strategy (Relative Risk at 30 Days was 1.21, 95% CI 1.03-1.43)
- Post Hoc Analysis of HYPERS2S Trial Data (Ann Intensive Care, 2018) [MEDLINE]
- Hyperoxia May Be Associated with a Increased Mortality Rate in Patients with Septic Shock Using the Sepsis-3 Criteria (with Serum Lactate > 2 mmol/L), But Not in Patients with Hypotension Alone
- In Patients with Serum Lactate ≤2 mmol/L, Hyperoxia Had No Effect on the Mortality Rate, Nor on Other Outcomes
- Hyperoxia May Be Associated with a Increased Mortality Rate in Patients with Septic Shock Using the Sepsis-3 Criteria (with Serum Lactate > 2 mmol/L), But Not in Patients with Hypotension Alone
- Observational Study of Hyperoxia in the Emergency Department in Patients with Acute Respiratory Failure (Crit Care, 2018) [MEDLINE]: n = 688
- Emergency Department Exposure to Hyperoxia is Common and Associated with Increased Mortality in Mechanically Ventilated Patients Achieving Normoxia After Admission
- This Suggests that Hyperoxia in the Immediate Post-Intubation Period Could Be Particularly Injurious and Targeting Normoxia from Initiation of Mechanical Ventilation May Improve Outcome
Recommendations (British Thoracic Society Emergency Oxygen Guidelines, 2017) (Thorax, 2017) [MEDLINE]
- Oxygen Should Be Prescribed to Achieve a Target Saturation of 94–98% for Most Acutely Ill Patients or 88–92% or Patient-Specific Target Range for Those at Risk of Hypercapnic Respiratory Failure
- Best Practice is to Prescribe a Target Range for All Hospitalized Patients at the Time of Hospital Admission So that Appropriate Oxygen Therapy Can Be Started in the Event of Unexpected Clinical Deterioration with Hypoxemia and Also to Ensure that the Oximetry Section of the Early Warning Score Can Be Scored Appropriately
Recommendations (British Medical Journal-Oxygen Therapy for Acutely Ill Medical Patients: Clinical Practice Guideline, 2018) (BMJ, 2018) [MEDLINE]
- Supplemental Oxygen Therapy Should Be Titrated to SpO2 ≤96% (Strong Recommendation)
- SpO2 >96% is Likely Associated with a Small, But Important, Increased Risk of Death without Plausible Clinical Benefit
Recruitment Maneuvers
- Ventilatory Strategy that Transiently Increases the Transpulmonary Pressure to Reopen the Recruitable Lung Units in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) (see Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome)
- There is a Large-Scale Loss of Aerated Lung and Once the End-Inspiratory Pressure Surpasses the Regional Critical Opening Pressure of the Lung Units, Those Lung Units are Likely to Reopen
Clinical Efficacy in Patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) (see Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome)
- Study of Lung Recruitment Using CT Scanning with Breath Holding at Various Airway Pressures in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) (NEJM, 2006) [MEDLINE]
- The Percentage of Recruitable Lung was Extremely Variable in ARDS: on average, 24% of lung could not be recruited
- The Percentage of Recruitable Lung was Associated with the Response to PEEP
- Cochrane Database Review of Recruitment Maneuvers in Patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) (Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2009) [MEDLINE]
- No Clinical Benefit of Recruitment Maneuvers in Either Mortality or Length of Mechanical Ventilation
- Randomized Trial of Recruitment in Moderate-Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) (JAMA, 2017) [MEDLINE]: n = 1010
- In Moderate-Severe ARDS, Lung Recruitment and Titrated PEEP Strategy Increased 28-Day All-Cause Mortality, as Compared to Low PEEP Strategy
- Lung Recruitment and Titrated PEEP Strategy Decreased the Number of Ventilator-Free Days, Increased the Risk of Pneumothorax Requiring Chest Tube Drainage), and Increased the Risk of Barotrauma, as Compared to Low PEEP Strategy
- Lung Recruitment and Titrated PEEP Strategy Had No Impact on ICU Length of Stay, Hospital Length of Stay, or In-Hospital Mortality Rate, as Compared to Low PEEP Strategy
Recommendations for Patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) (American Thoracic Society/European Society of Intensive Care Medicine/Society of Critical Care Medicine Clinical Practice Guidelines for Mechanical Ventilation in ARDS) (Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2017) [MEDLINE]
- Recruitment Maneuvers are Recommended in Adults with ARDS (Conditional Recommendation, Low-Moderate Confidence)
- Recruitment Maneuvers Should Be Used with Caution in Patients with Pre-Existing Hypovolemia/Shock Due to Concern About Causing Hemodynamic Compromise
Recommendations for Patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) Associated with Sepsis (2016 Surviving Sepsis Guidelines; Intensive Care Med, 2017) [MEDLINE]
- Recruitment Maneuvers are Recommended in Sepsis-Associated ARDS (Weak Recommendation, Moderate Quality of Evidence)
- Selected Patients with Severe Hypoxemia May Benefit from Recruitment Maneuvers in Conjunction with Higher Levels of PEEP
Humidification of the Ventilator Circuit
Rationale for Humidification
- The Upper Airway Provides 75% of the Heat and Moisture Supplied to the Alveoli
- When the Upper Airway is Bypassed with an Endotracheal Tube, the Humidifier Needs to Supply the Missing Heat/Moisture
Types of Humidification
- Active Humidification Via a Heated Humidifier: actively increase the heat and water vapor content of inspired gas
- Passive Humidification Via a Heat and Moisture Exchanger: operate passively by storing heat and moisture from a patient’s exhaled gas (and subsequently releasing it into the inhaled gas)
Clinical Efficacy
- Review and Clinical Practice Guideline for the Use of Humidification with Mechanical Ventilation (Respir Care, 2012) [MEDLINE]
Recommendations (Respir Care, 2012) [MEDLINE]
- Humidification is Recommended for Every Patient on Invasive Mechanical Ventilation (Grade 1A Recommendation)
- Active Humidification is Recommended When Using Noninvasive Positive-Pressure Ventilation (NIPPV), as it May Improve Adherence and Comfort (Grade 2B Recommendation)
- Passive Humidification is Not Recommended for Noninvasive Positive-Pressure Ventilation (NIPPV) (Grade 2C Recommendation)
- Invasive Mechanical Ventilation
- When Providing Humidification to Patients with Low Tidal Volumes (i.e. Those on Lung-Protective Ventilation Strategies), Heat and Moisture Exchangers are Not Recommended Because They May Contribute to Additional Dead Space, Which Can Increase the Ventilation Requirement and pCO2
- Heat and Moisture Exchanger Should Not Be Used for the Prevention of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia (VAP) (Grade 2B Recommendation)
Sedation (see Sedation)
Recommendations for Patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) Associated with Sepsis (2016 Surviving Sepsis Guidelines; Intensive Care Med, 2017) [MEDLINE]
- Continuous or Intermittent Sedation Should Be Minimized (with Specific Sedation Endpoints) in Sepsis-Associated Mechanically-Ventilated Respiratory Failure (Best Practice Statement)
Pressures on the Ventilator
Peak Inspiratory Pressure (PIP)
- Peak Inspiratory Pressure is is the Maximal Airway Pressure (as Measure at the Ventilator) Achieved During Gas Delivery
- During Volume-Cycled Ventilation: where tidal volume is manually set
- Peak Airway Pressure is Dependent on the Following
- Airway Resistance
- Inspiratory Flow Rate/Pattern
- Static Lung Compliance
- Tidal Volume
- Peak Airway Pressure is the Arithmetic Sum of the Following Pressures
- Flow-Related Pressure
- Pressure Related to Elastic System Recoil
- End-Expiratory Pressure (PEEP + Auto-PEEP)
- Peak Airway Pressure is Dependent on the Following
- During Pressure-Cycled Ventilation
- Delta P is Manually Set and PIP is Not Used
- During Volume-Cycled Ventilation: where tidal volume is manually set
Plateau Pressure
- Plateau Pressure (Pplat) is End-Inspiratory Pressure at a Point of Zero Inspiratory Airflow
- Technique: measure during an inspiratory hold maneuver (0.5-1 sec)
- Physiology
- Pressure is the Pressure Which is Applied by the Mechanical Ventilator to the Small Airways and Alveoli During Positive-Pressure Mechanical Ventilation
- Etiology of Increased Plateau Pressure
- High PEEP
- High Inspiratory Flow Rate
- High Tidal Volume
- Clinical
- Plateau Pressure is the Airway Pressure Which is Best Correlated with the Risk of Barotrauma
Mean Alveolar Pressure
- Mean Alveolar Pressure is Pressure Averaged Over the Entire Ventilatory Cycle
- Mean Alveolar Pressure Cannot Be Measured Clinically, But it Best Estimated by the Plateau Pressure
- Mean Alveolar Pressure is the Most Important Determinant of Oxygenation
- Mean Alveolar Pressure Correlates with the Risk of Ventilator-Associated Barotrauma
Mean Airway Pressure
- Mean Airway Pressure is Airway Pressure Averaged Over the Entire Ventilatory Cycle
- Mean Airway Pressure Usually Underestimates the Mean Alveolar Pressure, But it Correlates with Oxygenation
End-Expiratory Pressure
- End-Expiratory Pressure is Airway Pressure at the End of Expiration
- If the End-Expiratory Airway Pressure is Positive, This is Termed Positive End-Expiratory Airway Pressure (PEEP)
- Extrinsic PEEP: PEEP applied by the clinician
- Auto-PEEP (Intrinsic PEEP): PEEP which develops due to intrinsic properties of the lungs and/or airways
- Total PEEP = Extrinsic PEEP + Auto-PEEP
- If the End-Expiratory Airway Pressure is Positive, This is Termed Positive End-Expiratory Airway Pressure (PEEP)
Driving Pressure
- Driving Pressure = Plateau Pressure – PEEP
- Clinical Data
- Study of Contribution of Driving Pressure to Mortality in ARDS (NEJM, 2015) [MEDLINE]: study used data from 9 prior randomized trials
- Rationale: lower tidal volume, lower plateau pressure, and higher PEEP are all believed to decrease mechanical stresses on the lung in ARDS (which can induce ventilator-associated lung injury)
- However, There is an Uncertainty When Optimizing One Component Adversely Affects Another (Example: Increasing PEEP May Undesirably Increase the Plateau Pressure), Which this Study Attempted to Address
- Authors Theorized in Their Study that Optimizing the Tidal Volume/Respiratory System Compliance Ratio (Known as the Driving Pressure = Delta P) Would Provide a Better Predictor of Outcome in ARDS
- Driving Pressure (Plateau Pressure – PEEP or Delta P) was the Best Predictor of Survival
- Decreases in Tidal Volume or Increases in PEEP Were Beneficial Only if They Resulted in a Decrease in Delta P (In Other Words, PEEP Increments are Protective Only When They are Associated with an Improvement in Respiratory System Compliance, So that the Same Tidal Volume Can Be Delivered with a Lower Delta P)
- Further Trials Using Specific Manipulation of Delta P are Required Before Recommending this Strategy as a Standard
- Caveat: Delta P Can Only Be Accurately Assessed in Non-Breathing Patients
- Rationale: lower tidal volume, lower plateau pressure, and higher PEEP are all believed to decrease mechanical stresses on the lung in ARDS (which can induce ventilator-associated lung injury)
- Study of Contribution of Driving Pressure to Mortality in ARDS (NEJM, 2015) [MEDLINE]: study used data from 9 prior randomized trials
- Recommendations
- Maintain the Driving Pressure ≤13-15 cm H2O (NEJM, 2015) [MEDLINE]
Troubleshooting Ventilator Waveforms
- Sawtooth Pattern Observed in the Expiratory Waveform in the Intubated Patient
- Secretions in Endotracheal Tube
- Water in Ventilator Tubing
- Epidemiology
- Frequency of This Event Has Decreased with the Use of Heated Wire Ventilator Circuits
- Clinical
- May Cause Patient-Ventilator Dyssynchrony and/or Respiratory Distress (see Invasive Mechanical Ventilation-Adverse Effects and Complications)
- Epidemiology
- Sawtooth Pattern Observed in the Expiratory Waveform in the Non-Intubated Patient
- Obesity (see Obesity)
- Physiology
- Vibrations of the Soft Palate
- Physiology
- Parkinson’s Disease (see Parkinson’s Disease)
- Physiology
- Vibrations of the Soft Palate
- Physiology
- Obesity (see Obesity)
Troubleshooting Respiratory Decompensation on the Ventilator Using Airway Pressures
- Decreased Peak Inspiratory Pressure (PIP)
- Bronchopleural Fistula (see Bronchopleural Fistula)
- Clinical Features
- Air Leak from the Chest Tube is Present
- Clinical Features
- Endotracheal Tube Cuff Leak
- Clinical Features
- Lost Volume on the Ventilator (i.e. Expiratory Tidal Volume < Inspiratory Tidal Volume)
- Decreased Peak Inspiratory Pressure (PIP)
- Air Leak Around the Endotracheal Tube Cuff is Frequently Audible or Manifested by Secretions Bubbling Out from the Patient’s Mouth During Exhalation
- Clinical Features
- Inadvertent Extubation
- Clinical Features
- Often Occurs After Patient Turning or Repositioning
- May Be Accompanied by Respiratory Distress or Precipitous Oxygen Desaturation
- Lost Volume on the Ventilator (i.e. Expiratory Tidal Volume < Inspiratory Tidal Volume)
- Intra-Breath Drop in Airway Pressure May Occur in Cases Where the Cuff has Herniated Above the Vocal Cords, as Air Begins to Leak Past the Cuff
- Clinical Features
- Inadvertent Nasogastric (NG)/Orogastric (OG) Tube Placement into the Trachea/Mainstem Bronchus (with Suction Applied) (see Nasogastric/Orogastric Tube)
- Diagnosis
- Chest X-Ray or Bronchoscopy, Demonstrating Nasogastric/Orogastric Tube in the Trachea/Mainstem Bronchus
- Clinical Features
- Lost Volume on the Ventilator (i.e. Expiratory Tidal Volume < Inspiratory Tidal Volume)
- Airway Pressure May Be Decreased Continuously (if on Continuous Suction) or Intermittently (if on Intermittent Suction)
- Diagnosis
- Leak in Ventilator Circuit
- Physiology
- Due to a Loose Connection or Fractured Ventilator Tubing
- Clinical Features
- Lost Volume on the Ventilator (i.e. Expiratory Tidal Volume < Inspiratory Tidal Volume)
- Decreased Peak Inspiratory Pressure (PIP)
- Physiology
- Patient’s Inspiratory Effort Exceeding the Peak Flow Rate Set on the Ventilator
- Clinical Features
- Decreased Peak Inspiratory Pressure (PIP)
- Normal or Increased Exhaled Tidal Volume
- Clinical Features
- Tracheoesophageal Fistula (see Tracheoesophageal Fistula)
- Clinical Features
- Lost Volume on the Ventilator (i.e. Expiratory Tidal Volume < Inspiratory Tidal Volume)
- Decreased Peak Inspiratory Pressure (PIP)
- Clinical Features
- Bronchopleural Fistula (see Bronchopleural Fistula)
- Normal Peak Inspiratory Pressure (PIP)
- Acute Pulmonary Embolism (PE) (see Acute Pulmonary Embolism)
- Non-Pulmonary Etiology of Decompensation
- Pain
- Increased Peak Inspiratory Pressure (PIP)
- Normal PIP-Plateau (≤5 cm H2O)
- Abdominal Wall Restriction
- Abdominal Compartment Syndrome (see Abdominal Compartment Syndrome)
- Abdominal Distention (see Abdominal Distention)
- Colonic Obstruction (see Colonic Obstruction)
- Ileus (see Ileus)
- Small Bowel Obstruction (SBO) (see Small Bowel Obstruction)
- Toxic Megacolon (see Toxic Megacolon)
- Opiate-Associated Muscle Rigidity (see Opiates): may involve chest and abdominal wall
- Alfentanil (see Alfentanil)
- Fentanyl (see Fentanyl): may produce increased chest wall/abdominal wall rigidity in some cases (especially with high doses used during cardiothoracic surgery)
- Morphine (see Morphine)
- Sufentanil (see Sufentanil)
- Pregnancy (see Pregnancy)
- Tense Ascites (see Ascites)
- Agitation (see Agitation)
- Alveolar Filling Process
- Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) (see Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome)
- Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema (see Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema)
- Diffuse Alveolar Hemorrhage (DAH) (see Diffuse Alveolar Hemorrhage)
- Pneumonia (see Community-Acquired Pneumonia and Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia and Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia)
- Chest Wall Restriction
- Kyphoscoliosis (see Kyphoscoliosis)
- Opiate-Associated Muscle Rigidity (see Opiates): may involve chest and abdominal wall
- Alfentanil (see Alfentanil)
- Fentanyl (see Fentanyl): may produce increased chest wall/abdominal wall rigidity in some cases (especially with high doses used during cardiothoracic surgery)
- Morphine (see Morphin)
- Sufentanil (see Sufentanil)
- Pleural Space Filling Process
- Large Pleural Effusion (see Pleural Effusion-General)
- Hemothorax (see Pleural Effusion-Hemothorax)
- Pneumothorax (see Pneumothorax)
- Abdominal Wall Restriction
- Increased PIP-Plateau (>5)
- Bronchospasm (see Wheezing and Obstructive Lung Disease)
- Physiology: airflow obstruction
- Kinked Endotracheal Tube
- Physiology: endotracheal tube obstruction
- Mucous Plugging of Large Airway
- Physiology: airway obstruction by mucous plugging
- Migration of Gastric Balloon of Minnesota/Sengstaken-Blakemore Tube (Used for Tamponade of Esophageal Varices) into the Esophagus (see Sengstaken-Blakemore Tube and Minnesota Tube)
- Physiology: migration of the gastric balloon into the esophagus, resulting in acute tracheal compression
- Bronchospasm (see Wheezing and Obstructive Lung Disease)
- Normal PIP-Plateau (≤5 cm H2O)
Compliance on the Ventilator
- Static Lung Compliance
- Static Compliance Reflects the Distensibility of the Lungs and Chest Wall (But Not Airway Resistance, Since it is Measured at Point of No Airflow)
- Equation
- Static Compliance = VT/(Plateau Pressure-Total PEEP)
- Use the Exhaled Tidal Volume Shown on the Ventilator for the VT in this Equation, Not the Preset Tidal Volume (Since Ventilator Tubing Will Expand During Positive Pressure Ventilation: Expands About 3 cc for Every 1 cm H2O Increase in the Inflation Pressure
- Compliance is Most Accurate when Performed During Passive Ventilation (Since the Patient’s Respiratory Muscle Efforts Will Decrease the Chest Wall Compliance) (Normal = 50-80 mL/cm H2O)
- Static Compliance = VT/(Plateau Pressure-Total PEEP)
- Dynamic Lung Compliance
- Dynamic Compliance Reflects the Distensibility of the Lungs and Chest Wall and Airway Resistance (Since it is Measured at a Point of Maximal Inspiratory Airflow)
- Equation
- Dynamic Compliance = VT/(PIP-Total PEEP)
- Use the Exhaled Tidal Volume Shown on the Ventilator for the VT in this Equation, Not the Preset Tidal Volume (Since Ventilator Tubing Will Expand During Positive Pressure Ventilation: Expands About 3 cc for Every 1 cm H2O Increase in the Inflation Pressure)
- Compliance is Most Accurate when Performed During Passive Ventilation (Since the Patient’s Respiratory Muscle Efforts Will Decrease the Chest Wall Compliance) (Normal = 50-80 mL/cm H2O)
- Dynamic Compliance = VT/(PIP-Total PEEP)
Ventilator Breath Types
- Volume Control
- Ventilator-Initiated Breaths with a Set Inspiratory Flow Rate
- Inspiration is Terminated When the Set Tidal Volume is Reached
- Airway Pressure is Determined by the Patient’s Airway Resistance, Lung Compliance, and Chest Wall Compliance
- Examples of Ventilator Modes Which Use Volume Control Breaths
- Volume Assist Control
- Volume Synchronized Mandatory Ventilation (SIMV)
- Ventilator-Initiated Breaths with a Set Inspiratory Flow Rate
- Volume Assist
- Patient-Initiated Breaths with a Set Inspiratory Flow Rate
- Inspiration is Terminated When a Set Tidal Volume is Reached
- Airway Pressure is Determined by the Patient’s Airway Resistance, Lung Compliance, and Chest Wall Compliance
- Examples of Ventilator Modes Which Use Volume Assist Breaths
- Volume Assist Control
- Volume Synchronized Mandatory Ventilation (SIMV)
- Patient-Initiated Breaths with a Set Inspiratory Flow Rate
- Pressure Control
- Ventilator-Initiated Breaths with a Set Pressure Limit
- Inspiration is Terminated When the Set Inspiratory Time Has Elapsed
- Tidal Volume is Variable and Dependent on the Patient’s Airway Resistance, Lung Compliance, Chest Wall Compliance, and Tubing Resistance: therefore, a specific minute ventilation is not guaranteed
- Examples of Ventilator Modes Which Use Pressure Control Breaths
- Pressure Assist Control
- Pressure Synchronized Mandatory Ventilation (SIMV)
- Ventilator-Initiated Breaths with a Set Pressure Limit
- Pressure Assist
- Ventilator-Initiated Breaths with a Set Pressure Limit
- Inspiration is Terminated When the Set Inspiratory Time Has Elapsed
- Tidal Volume is Variable and Dependent on the Patient’s Airway Resistance, Lung Compliance, Chest Wall Compliance, and Tubing Resistance: therefore, a specific minute ventilation is not guaranteed
- Examples of Ventilator Modes Which Use Pressure Assist Breaths
- Pressure Assist Control
- Pressure Synchronized Mandatory Ventilation (SIMV)
- Ventilator-Initiated Breaths with a Set Pressure Limit
- Pressure Support
- Patient-Initiated Breaths with a Pressure Limit
- Ventilator Provides a Driving Pressure for Each Breath, Which Determines the Maximal Flow Rate
- Inspiration is Terminated Once the Inspiratory Flow is Decreased to a Predetermined Percentage of its Maximum Value
- Examples of Ventilator Modes Which Use Pressure Support Breaths
- Pressure Support (PS)
- Patient-Initiated Breaths with a Pressure Limit
Types of Mechanical Ventilation
Pressure-Cycled vs Volume-Cycled Ventilation
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- Different modes of assisted ventilation in patients with acute respiratory failure. Eur Respir J. 2002;20(4):925 [MEDLINE]
Variables Involved in Positive-Pressure Ventilation
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Ventilator Settings
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- Patient-ventilator interaction during synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation. Effects of flow triggering. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 1995;151(1):1 [MEDLINE]
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Tidal Volume (VT)
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Respiratory Rate
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Positive End-Expiratory Pressure (PEEP)
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