Positive echo bubble study (due to intrapulmonary shunt) is seen in 20% of cirrhotics (although not all are hypoxemic)
Hepatopulmonary syndrome occurs in 5-30% of patients with liver disease
Hepatogenic Pulmonary Angiodysplasia: results in intrapulmonary (right-to-left) shunting
Intrapulmonary vascular dilatations (more prominent in the bases)
Dysfunctional pulmonary vasoconstriction
Echo with Bubble Study
Preferred study
Bubbles in left heart immediately after injection: suggests intracardiac shunt
Bubbles after 3-6 cardiac cycles after injection: suggests intrapulmonary shunt
V/Q Shunt Study
Procedure: scan over brain and kidneys to assess amount of Te99m-MAA that has traversed the pulmonary circulation -> presence in these organs indicates intrapulmonary shunt
20-60 µm Te99m-MAA (macro-aggregated albumin) particles are normally trapped in pulmonary circulation
pO2 <500-600 -> suggests presence of intrapulmonary shunt
Chest CT
May demonstrate subpleural vessels
Pulmonary Angiogram
May demonstrate spidery-spongy vascular dilatations
ABG: hypoxemia/ respiratory alkalosis
Shunt physiology: hypoxemia may respond somewhat to supplemental O2 (due to a “diffusion perfusion defect”: vascular dilatations prevent oxygen from diffusing to the center of vessel to provide adequate oxygenation)
Orthodeoxia (due to increased flow to bases, where vascular dilatations are more prominent, with standing): supine position improves hypoxemia
CXR/ Chest CT Patterns
Bibasilar interstitial changes: most cases
Normal CXR: some cases
Clinical Manifestations
Pulmonary Manifestations
Exertional Dyspnea (see Dyspnea, [[Dyspnea]]): dyspnea is the first symptom in only 20% of cases (usually liver symptoms precede onset of dyspnea)