- Most common benign lung tumor
- Found in 0.2% of routine autopsies/0.75% of 47,000 miners
- 5-10% of solitary pulmonary nodules are hamartomas
- Sex Predominance: M:F ratio is 2:1
- Age: usual onset in late 30’s with peak in late 50’s
- Associated with:
- Other benign tumors
- Congenital anomalies
- Benign neoplasm (typically slow growing)
- Malignant transformation is extremely rare
- May occur endobronchially (10-20% of cases)
- Central cartilaginous area (in most cases) with calcification (in some cases)/ myxomatous or fibroblastic tissue/ muscular or adipose tissue/ bronchial glands/ inflammatory cells/ slit-like spaces or clefts lined with epithelium (seen near periphery of tumor)
- Mesenchymal Cystic Hamartoma: rare variant with malignant potential
- FNA: may be diagnostic
- FOB: TBB diagnostic in some cases
- Endobronchial Hamartoma (10-20% of cases): usually polypoid/cartilage present in 82% of cases, but often scanty/epithelial clefts are often missing)/EBB usually (but not always) diagnostic
CXR/Chest CT Pattern: usually well-circumscribed nodule <3 cm with sharp margins, lobulation (occasionally, multiple)
-Appearance: heterogeneous
-Location: no lobar predilection
-Growth: usually slow growing over years
-Calcification: occurs in minority of cases (but “Popcorn” calcification is a diagnostic pattern seen in 10-15% of cases on CXR)
–CT is more sensitive for calcification
-Cavitation: none
-Density: Chest CT Hounsfield Unit measurement can determine if there are low density fatty components
HRCT: diagnostic in 50% of cases
-Presence of high attenuation cartilage (with/without calcification) with low attenuation fat
Clinical Manifestations
General Comments
- Usually Asymptomatic
Pulmonary Manifestations
Atelectasis/Post-Obstructive Pneumonia (see Atelectasis and Community-Acquired Pneumonia)
- Epidemiology
- When Hamartoma is Endobronchial
- Surgical excision: curative
- Indications for surgery: symptoms/ growth over time by CXR/ large size/ impingement on a vital structure/ endobronchial location