(aka Pulmonary Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis, Histiocytosis-X)
- Represents subset of Histiocytosis-X cases (other: Letterer-Siwe Disease and Hand-Schuller-Christian Disease)
- Tobacco Use: >90% of cases are current or past smokers
- Age: most cases diagnosed in 20-40 y/o (Range: 3 months-60 y/o)
- Race: highest incidence in whites
- Sex: M > F
- Association with Pulmonary or Extrapulmonary Neoplasms: possible
Pathologic Patterns
- Stellate cellular granulomas with interstitial infiltrate (of macrophages/histiocytes/plasma cells, eosinophils/lymphocytes) along alveolar septa
- Bronchocentric Distribution: causes loss of bronchial patency (as in BO)
- DIP-Like Pattern: may be seen due to accumulation of histiocytes/macrophages/lymphocytes in air spaces (thought to be partially related to the high association of smoking with EG, which increases numbers of alveolar macrophages in alveolar spaces)
- Langerhans’ cell (derived from the dendritic cell, a mononuclear antigen-presenting cell with pro-fibrotic capabilities): characteristic indented or clefted nucleus
- Granules stain positive with S100-stain or OKT6
- EM: intracytoplasmic pentalaminar rod-shaped Birbeck granules, aka X-bodies):
- Reactive Eosinophilic Pleuritis: seen in 40-50% of cases with complicating PTX (effusions are uncommon)
- Honeycombing/extensive cystic changes/pericicatricial emphysema
- Scars are characteristically stellate
- Early: restriction with decreased DLCO
- Late in Course: obstruction may be superimposed on restriction
- Increased RV/TLC ratio has been shown to correlate with cyst formation
- BAL: markedly increased WBC count (around 100 x 109 cells) with normal percentages, most cells are alveolar macrophages with slight increase in neutrophils and eosinophils (this pattern is also seen in DIP and respiratory bronchiolitis)
- Diagnostic criteria: >5% Langerhan cells suggests EG (Note: Langerhan cells also seen in lesser numbers in other ILD’s)/normal is <2%
- TBB: may be diagnostic if adequate tissue
- Usually required (unless other body sites are available for Bx)
CXR/Chest CT Patterns
- Bilateral Reticular, Small Nodular (2-3 mm), or Reticulonodular Infiltrates and Cystic Densities: these often occur in combination
- Mid-upper lung zone predominance (variable though) and may spare costophrenic angles
- Nodules may appear stellate (early and may cavitate/bullae may form later
- Characteristic feature: ILD disease with apparently preserved lung volumes on CXR
- Mediastinal/hilar adenopathy and effusions are uncommon
- Pneumothorax: classic manifestation
- Solitary Lung Nodule: uncommon presentation
- Honeycombing: late finding (often seen best in mid-upper lung zones: unusual for ILD’s)
- Nodules and cysts (upper lobe-predominance)
- HRCT findings correlate better with DLCO abnormalities than do CXR findings
- Ultrafast HRCT: diffuse air trapping
Serum Immune Complexes
- May be seen
- Absence of peripheral eosinophilia
General Features
- Many cases are asymptomatic
Lung Involvement
- ILD: frequently have normal exam/decreased BS may appear late in course
- Exertional Dyspnea:
- Cough (common): due to bronchocentric involvement
- Few Scattered Wheezes with Distinctive Absence of Crackles:
- Pulmonary HTN/Cor Pulmonale:
- Pneumothorax (occurs in 14% of cases): pleuritic chest pain
- Chest Wall Mass: may impinge on lung
- Pulmonary HTN (see Pulmonary Hypertension, [[Pulmonary Hypertension]])
- Severe pulmonary HTN is a common feature in patients with end-stage pulmonary Langerhans cells histiocytosis
[Dauriat G, Mal H, Thabut G, et al. Lung transplantation for pulmonary Langerhans’ cell histiocytosis: a multicenter analysis. Transplantation 2006;81:746–50] - In some patients, PH is probably related to chronic hypoxemia and/or abnormal pulmonary mechanics; in others, especially those patients with more severe elevation of PAP, PH is unrelated to lung parenchymal injury
- Histopathologic examination has shown severe diffuse pulmonary vasculopathy (medial hypertrophy and intimal fibrosis) involving predominantly intralobular pulmonary veins and, to a lesser extent, muscular pulmonary arteries
[Fartoukh M, Humbert M, Capron F, et al. Severe pulmonary hypertension in histiocytosis X. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2000;161:216 –23]
- Severe pulmonary HTN is a common feature in patients with end-stage pulmonary Langerhans cells histiocytosis
Other System Involvement
(extrapulmonary involvement occurs in only 15% of EG cases)
- “Punched-Out” Lytic Bone Lesions:
- Panhypopituitarism:
- DI:
- Asymptomatic: follow without treatment (usually resolve spontaneously)
- Smoking cessation
- Symptomatic: treat with steroids +/- cytotoxics (cytoxan/vinblastine/chrloambucil), alone or in combination
- Cytotoxics are used mainly for rapidly progressive disease (but none have been shown to change course of EG)
- Smoking cessation: one case report of EG resolving with smoking cessation
- XRT: useful for impinging chest wall masses
- Surgical Pleurodesis: for recurrent PTX
- Dauriat G, Mal H, Thabut G, et al. Lung transplantation for pulmonary Langerhans’ cell histiocytosis: a multicenter analysis. Transplantation 2006;81:746–50
- Fartoukh M, Humbert M, Capron F, et al. Severe pulmonary hypertension in histiocytosis X. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2000;161:216–23