Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors
Diabetic Nephropathy
Clinical Efficacy Decrease renal dysfunction, need for HD or CRT, and mortality rate in type 1 DM + nephropathy
Clinical Efficacy Decrease proteinuria and mortality in blacks with modest CRI due to hypertensive nephrosclerosis
Other Aspects
If >20% increase in Cr with use of ACE-I -> highly suggestive of renal artery stenosisLesser decreases in Cr are commonly seen and usually resolve spontaneously With high-grade unilateral or bilateral renal artery stenosis, >20% increase in Cr with use ACE-I has 100% sensitivity/70% specificity for detection
Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibition
Combination ACE Inhibitor and ARB Therapy Increases the Risk of Adverse Effects (Arch Intern Med, 2007) [MEDLINE ]: including hyperkalemia, medication discontinuation due to adverse effects, worsened renal function, and symptomatic hypotensionCombination ACE Inhibitor and ARB Therapy Does Not Increase the Rate of Malignancy (J Hypertens, 2001) [MEDLINE ]Recommendation : it is recommended to not use combination ACE inhibitor and ARB therapy
Adverse Effects
Allergic Adverse Effects
Epidemiology : xxxTreatment
Epidemiology Occurs in 0.1-0.2% of ACE inhibitor-treated patients Physiology Mediated by bradykinins Possibly mediated by autoantibodies and complement activation Clinical Time of Onset : onset can occur from hours-months after starting ACE-InhibitorHowever, most cases within hrs-1 week after starting ACE-Inhibitor Lingual Edema (see Lingual Edema )Facial Edema (see Facial Edema )Treatment
Endocrinologic Manifestations
Gastrointestinal Adverse Effects
Pulmonary Adverse Effects
Cough (see Cough )
Epidemiology : occurs in 5-20% of treated patientsPhysiology : likely related to accumulation of kinins and substance P (which are usually degraded by ACE and other endopeptidases)Clinical : dry cough with onset typically within the first few weeks of therapy (although some cases do not present with cough until months later)Treatment : 50% of cases with cough ultimately need to have ACE-I discontinued -> cough usually stops within 4 days of discontinuation of ACE-IRechallenge with ACE-I is not recommended, as cough will usually recur However, since ARB’s have much lower incidence of cough, one of these may be substituted
Renal Adverse Effects
Hyperkalemia (see Hyperkalemia ): due to drug-induced hypoaldosteronism (see above)
Property of Kenneth J. Serio, MD. Author is not responsible for errors in content, site is for information purposes only.