Relative Prevalence of Scombroid as a Seafood-Related Food-Borne Illness: in the US and Europe, scombroid accounts for 40% of of seafood-related food-borne illness
Geographic Distribution: scombroid occurs throughout the world
In developed countries, scombroid is more commonly associated with with recreational fish catches than commercially-caught fish (due to routine fish inspection by the FDA and US Customs and Border Protection)
Fish caught on long lines, improperly refrigerated at sea, and subsequently imported into the US from off the coast of central America were implicated in scombroid cases in the US in the 1990’s
Clusters of outbreaks occur related to ingestion of contaminated fish or cheese
In Hawaii: scombroid accounts for 31 annual outbreaks per million people
Scombroid Dark Meat Fish
Non-Scombroid Fish
Amber Jack
Escolar Fish
Mahi Mahi (Dolphinfish)
Spearfish (Tetrapturus)
Swiss Cheese
Ingestion of Histamine-Contaminated Fish
Improper Storage of Caught Fish (Stored Above 40 Degrees F)
Improper refrigeration typically occurs at sea after the fish is caught
Although typically associated with fresh-caught fish, scombroid may also occur with canned fish (indicating the importance of refrigerating canned fish after opening)
Spoilage and Contamination by Enteric Bacteria
Clostridium Species (see Clostridium, [[Clostridium]])
Bacterial Conversion of Histidine to Histamine (and Other Biogenic Amines) by Bacterial Histidine Decarboxylase Enzyme
The involved dark fish species (as noted above) have the highest content of free histidine in their muscle (white fish typically have lower histidine levels)
Histamine and other bioamines are not destroyed by subsequent refrigeration, freezing, canning, or cooking
Other biogenic amines are also formed during spoilage and may potentiate the toxicity of histamine: tyramine, putrescine, and cadaverine
Clinical Symptoms: symptoms are attributable to histamine toxicity
Ingestion of Histamine-Contaminated Swiss Cheese
Contamination of Raw Milk Prior to Cheese Processing
Spoilage and Contamination by Enteric Bacteria: as above
Bacterial Conversion of Histidine to Histamine (and Other Biogenic Amines) by Bacterial Histidine Decarboxylase Enzyme: as above
Clinical Symptoms: symptoms are attributable to histamine toxicity
Plasma Histamine Level: elevated (generally 2-4x the upper limit of normal) and normalize by 24 hrs
Generally not necessary
Measurement of Histamine Levels in Suspected Fish/Cheese by Local Health Department: confirmatory
Level 50-100 mg histamine per 100 g fish -> potentially toxic
Level >100 mg histamine per 100 g fish -> diagnostic of poisoning
Private companies offer assays that detect elevated histamine levels in fish within an hour
Clinical Manifestations
General Comments
Fish Taste
Fish appears fresh but tastes “peppery”, “metallic”, “spicy”, or “bubbly”
Fish skin can have a honeycombed appearance
Onset: minutes-hours after ingestion of contaminated fish of cheese
Drug Modification of Disease Course
Anthistamines: may provide some protection against the clinical symptoms of scombroid
Isoniazid (INH) (see Isoniazid, [[Isoniazid]]): inhibits histamine metabolism -> may accentuate the clinical symptoms of scombroid
Acute Respiratory Failure (see Respiratory Failure, [[Respiratory Failure]]): rarely occurs
Natural Course
Time to Resolution: typically resolves within 12-48 hrs (although the duration of clinical symptoms depends on the amount of contaminated food consumed)
Supportive Care
Fluid Resuscitation: as required
Mechanical Ventilation (seeGeneral Ventilator Management, [[General Ventilator Management]]): as required for patients with respiratory failure due to obstructing upper airway edema or bronchospasm
General Comments
Indications: H1-antihistamines and H2-blockers are generally indicated in patients with significant clinical symptoms
Cimetidine (Tagamet) (see Cimetidine, [[Cimetidine]])
Ranitidine (Zantac) (see Ranitidine, [[Ranitidine]])
Famotidine (Pepcid) (see Famotidine, [[Famotidine]])
Biogenic amines in fish, fish products and shellfish: a review. Food Addit Contam Part A Chem Anal Control Expo Risk Assess. 2011 Nov;28(11):1547-60. doi: 10.1080/19440049.2011.600728. Epub 2011 Aug 11 [MEDLINE]