Balamuthia Mandrillaris
Clinical Manifestations
Dermatologic Manifestations
- Non-Ulcerated Asymptomatic Plaque: may be associated with prior trauma
- Appearance
- Border may be raised (giving appearance of an annular lesion)
- Border may be ill-defined in some cases (suggesting soft tissue infiltration)
- Color: ranges from skin-toned to violaceous hue
- Size: range from one to serveral centimeters in size
- Number: may be single or have satellite lesions
- Location
- Central Face: most common
- Nose: most common
- Chest
- Elbow
- Knee
- Thigh
- Sensation: preserved (in contrast skin lesions of leprosy)
- Association with Trauma: may be associated with prior trauma
Neurologic Manifestations
- Granlomatous Amebic Encephalitis
Other Manifestations