Acetaminophen Intoxication (see [[Acetaminophen Intoxication]])
Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Intoxication (see [[Hydrocarbons]]
Paraquat Intoxication (see [[Paraquat]]
Advanced hepatic failure is accompanied by the development of coagulopathy
In patients with chronic hepatic failure, abnormal synthesis of multiple coagulation factors is often accompanied by thrombocytopenia, largely resulting from hypersplenism
In addition, these patients often have an increased likelihood of bleeding due to the presence of varices and/or portal gastropathy.
In acute hepatic failure, coagulopathy develops primarily due to reduced production of coagulation factors
As factor VII has a relatively short half-life in the circulation, a rising prothrombin time/INR is often an early finding in developing acute liver failure (and an early indication of hepatic recovery if it begins to fall)