Birt-Hogg-Dube Syndrome
Autosomal Dominant Germline mutations in the folliculin gene (FLCN), which encodes the protein folliculin, a putative tumor suppressor gene whose function is still under investigation
Clinical Manifestations
Dermatologic Manifestations
Dermal Hamartomas
Clinical Most Commonly on the Head/Neck
Lipoma (see Lipoma )
Epidemiology : possible association (case reports only)
Epidemiology : possible association (case reports only)
Endocrinologic Manifestations
Parathyroid Adenoma (see xxxx )
Epidemiology : possible association (case reports only)
Oncocytic Parotid Tumor
Epidemiology : possible association (case reports only)
Thyroid Tumors
Epidemiology : possible association (case reports only)
Gastrointestinal Manifestations
Epidemiology Although Early Reports Suggested an Association, Colorectal Cancer is Not Currently Believed to Associated with Birt-Hogg-Dube Syndrome
Pulmonary Manifestations
Epidemiology Pulmonary Cysts Occur in 70-80% of Cases Diagnosis Pulmonary Function Tests (PFT’s) Normal or Mild Obstructive Pattern Clinical
Epidemiology Pneumothorax Occur in 30% of Cases Pneumothorax Usually Occurs Before Age 40 Physiology Clinical
Renal Manifestations
Epidemiology Renal Cancer Occurs in 12-34% of Cases Mean Age of Occurrence of Renal Cancer : 50 y/o (range: 30-70 y/o)
Birt-Hogg-Dubésyndrome: diagnosis and management. Lancet Oncol. 2009;10(12):1199 [MEDLINE ]
Property of Kenneth J. Serio, MD. Author is not responsible for errors in content, site is for information purposes only.