Acid-Base Physiology
- Alkalemia is Defined as an Increase in the Arterial pH (>7.40)
- Note that a Patient Have an Alkalemic pH without Having a Metabolic Alkalosis
- Example: respiratory alkalosis can produce alkalemia without the presence of a metabolic alkalosis
Metabolic Alkalosis
- Metabolic Alkalosis is Defined as Disorder Which Results in a Primary Increase in Serum Bicarbonate (i.e. Not as a Compensatory Response to Hypercapnia)
- Note that a Patient Can Have a Metabolic Alkalosis without Being Alkalemic
- Example: a metabolic alkalosis may induce respiratory compensation (with bradypnea and increased pCO2) without significant alkalemia
Exogenous Bicarbonate/Alkali/Bicarbonate Precursor
- General Comments
- Alkali Administration Typically Only Results in Metabolic Alkalosis in the Setting of Hemodynamic Disturbances Which Impair the Bicarbonate Excretory Ability of the Kidneys
- Acetate
- Mechanism
- Acetate is Converted to the Bicarbonate in the Liver
- Clinical Scenarios
- Acetate is Commonly Used in Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) Formulations
- Mechanism
- Citrate (see Sodium Citrate)
- Mechanism
- Exogenous Citrate is Normally Converted to Bicarbonate in the Mitochondria of Liver, Skeletal Muscle, and Kidney (Na-Citrate + H2CO3 -> Citric Acid + NaHCO3 -> H2O + CO2)
- Clinical Scenarios: citrate is commonly used to chelate calcium and prevent coagulation
- Citrate Use During Continuous Veno-Venous Hemodialysis (CVVHD)
- Citrate Use in Blood Products (Packed Red Blood Cells, Fresh Frozen Plasma, etc)
- Citrate-Related Metabolic Alkalosis is Likely to Occur When >8 Units of Packed Red Blood Cells are Transfused
- Large Quantities of Fresh Frozen Plasma May Be Used During Plasmapheresis
- Mechanism
- Co-Administration of Sodium Polystyrene Sulfonate (Kayexelate) and Poorly Absorbed Oral Antacid in Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease
- Agents
- Sodium Polystyrene Sulfonate (Kayexelate) (see Sodium Polystyrene Sulfonate): acts by releasing sodium and binding potassium
- Poorly Absorbed Oral Antacids
- Aluminum Hydroxide (Alternagel, Alu-Cap, Dialume, Amphojel, Alu-Tab, Aloh-Gel) (see Aluminum Hydroxide)
- Calcium Carbonate (Calcichew, Titralac) (see Calcium Carbonate)
- Magnesium Hydroxide (Milk of Magnesia) (see Magnesium Hydroxide)
- Mechanism of Poorly Absorbed Oral Antacid Action in the Normal Physiologic State
- Hydroxide/Carbonate Component Combines with Gastric Hydrogen Ions to Generate Carbon Dioxide and Water
- Cation Component (Magnesium, Aluminum, or Calcium) Combines with Bicarbonate in the More Distal Gastrointestinal Lumen, Resulting in Excretion in the Stool
- Mechanism of Poorly Absorbed Oral Antacid Action Combined with Sodium Polystyrene Sulfonate (Kayexelate) in Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease
- Sodium Released from Sodium Polystyrene Sulfonate (Kayexelate) is Systemically Reabsorbed
- Sodium Polystyrene Sulfonate (Kayexelate) Resin Binds Potassium (Normally Present in the Gastrointestinal Tract) and Magnesium/Aluminum/Calcium (from the Antacid)
- All are Then Excreted in the Stool
- Hydroxide/Carbonate from the Antacid are Systemically Reabsorbed
- In the Setting of a Low Glomerular Filtration Rate, the Absorbed Bicarbonate Cannot Be Rapidly Renally Excreted, Resulting in Metabolic Alkalosis
- Agents
- Freebase/Crack Cocaine Abuse (see Cocaine): metabolic alkalosis may occur when large quantities are abused (particularly with renal insufficiency)
- Mechanism
- Frequently Synthesized Using Household Drain Cleaner (a Strong Base)
- Mechanism
- Gluconate
- Mechanism
- Gluconate is Converted to Bicarbonate in the Liver
- Mechanism
- Intentional Induction of Metabolic Alkalosis in Athletes: has been used to enhance exercise performance
- Mechanism
- Enhanced Hydrogen Ion Efflux from Muscle and Decreased Interstitial Potassium Accumulation in Muscle -> Improved ATP Resynthesis and Anaerobic Glycolysis
- Mechanism
- Lactated Ringers (see Lactated Ringers)
- Mechanism
- Lactate is Converted to Bicarbonate in the Liver (1L of Lactated Ringers is Equivalent to 25 mmol of Bicarbonate Precursor)
- Mechanism
- Milk-Alkali Syndrome (Calcium Alkali Syndrome) (see Milk Alkali Syndrome)
- Epidemiology
- Most Cases are Associated with the Ingestion of Calcium Supplements (with or without Vitamin D)
- Mechanisms
- Hypercalcemia Enhances Renal Hydrogen Ion Secretion
- Hypovolemia Results in Decreased Glomerular Filtration Rate, Impairing Renal Bicarbonate Excretion
- Alkalosis Further Enhances Renal Calcium Reabsorption, Exacerbating the Hypercalcemia
- Epidemiology
- Pyruvate
- Mechanism
- Pyruvate is Converted to Bicarbonate in the Liver
- Mechanism
- Sodium Bicarbonate (see Sodium Bicarbonate)
- Mechanism
- Administration of Bicarbonate
- Mechanism
Effective Extracellular Fluid Volume Contraction
General Features
- Hypokalemia (see Hypokalemia)
- Normotension
- Secondary Hyperreninemic Hyperaldosteronism (see Hyperaldosteronism)
Gastrointestinal Hydrogen Ion Loss
- Congenital Chloride Diarrhea (Chloridorrhea)
- Mechanism: genetic mutation in intestinal chloride-bicarbonate exchanger -> diarrheal stool contains high chloride concentration (in contrast to other forms of diarrhea, where stool chloride concentration is usually low)
- High-Volume Ileostomy Output
- Clinical: may result in either metabolic acidosis or metabolic alkalosis (depending on the nature and duration of the losses)
- Laxative Abuse
- Mechanism: unclear
- Clinical: hypokalemia (see Hypokalemia) is common
- Nasogastric Suction
- Mechanism: loss of gastric acid
- Villous Adenoma (see Colonic Polyps)
- Mechanism: unclear
- Clinical: hypokalemia (see Hypokalemia) is common
- Vomiting (see Nausea and Vomiting)
- Mechanism: loss of gastric acid
Renal Hydrogen Ion Loss
- Bartter Syndrome (see Bartter Syndrome)
- Mechanism: genetic defect in ion transporter -> impairs sodium chloride reabsorption in the loop of Henle (mimics the action of loop diuretics)
- Gitelman Syndrome (see Gitelman Syndrome)
- Mechanism: genetic defect in ion transporter -> impairs sodium chloride reabsorption in the diluting segment of the distal tubule (mimics the action of thiazide diuretics)
- Diuretics/Hypovolemia (see Hypovolemic Shock)
- Mechanisms
- Loss of bicarbonate-free fluid from extracellular space (extracellular fluid space contraction), resulting in increased bicarbonate concentration (contraction alkalosis)
- Hypovolemia results in stimulation of angiotensin and aldosterone release -> increased bicarbonate absorption with increased hydrogen ion and potassium secretion (hypokalemia exacerbates the metabolic alkalosis, see below)
- Mechanisms
- Hypercalcemia (see Hypercalcemia)
- Mechanism
- Hypercalcemia enhances renal hydrogen ion secretion
- Mechanism
- Hypokalemia (see Hypokalemia)
- Mechanisms
- Hypokalemia causes potassium to shift from cells to the extracellular fluid space -> hydrogen ions move into cells to maintain electroneutrality (increasing plasma bicarbonate and lowering the intracellular pH)
- In renal tubular cells, the intracellular acidosis enhances hydrogen ion secretion into the tubular lumen with absorption of bicarbonate into the blood
- Hypokalemia also increases renal ammoniagenesis and ammonium excretion -> results in metabolic alkalosis
- Clinical: since many etiologies of metabolic alkalosis may also result in potassium loss (via vomiting, diuretics, or mineralocorticoid excess), the resulting hypokalemia exacerbates the underlying metabolic alkalosis
- Mechanisms
- Hypomagnesemia (see Hypomagnesemia)
- Mechanism: stimulation of renin and aldosterone secretion -> enhancement of distal acidification
- Non-Absorbable Anions: administered in large quantities
- Mechanism
- Increased transepithelial potential difference -> enhanced distal acidification and potassium secretion
- Agents
- Carbenicillin (see Carbenicillin)
- Penicillin (see Penicillin)
- Mechanism
- Pendred Syndrome (see Pendred Syndrome)
- Mechanism: decreased activity of pendrin (which normally functions as a sodium-independent chloride-bicarbonate exchanger on the apical membrane of type B intercalated cells in the distal nephron, working in conjunction with the neutral sodium-chloride cotransporter, to maintain normal sodium chloride balance)
- Post-Hypercapnic Metabolic Alkalosis
- Mechanism: hypercapnia present prior to mechanical ventilation results in expected compensatory renal hydrogen excretion (in the form of ammonium chloride) and bicarbonate absorption (resulting in elevated bicarbonate and associated hypochloremia)
- During inadvertent mechanical ventilation to a normal pCO2, a residual metabolic alkalosis is observed (this may persist for a period to time, especially if the patient has decreased effective arterial blood volume, decreased glomerular filtration rate, and/or is chloride deficient)
- Treatment
- Maintain pCO2 Near Patient’s Baseline (or Gradually Decrease the pCO2): although an abrupt decrease in the pCO2 may theoretically increase the cerebral intracellular pH and result in neurologic injury (with seizures or coma) [MEDLINE], it is likely that the rapid change in pCO2 is responsible rather than the alkalosis itself
- Note: if the patient is a chronic CO2 retainer, a decrease in the serum bicarbonate may undesirably result in the loss of compensatory bicarbonate which will be required for subsequent ventilator weaning
- Chloride Administration: enhances renal bicarbonate excretion
- Maintain pCO2 Near Patient’s Baseline (or Gradually Decrease the pCO2): although an abrupt decrease in the pCO2 may theoretically increase the cerebral intracellular pH and result in neurologic injury (with seizures or coma) [MEDLINE], it is likely that the rapid change in pCO2 is responsible rather than the alkalosis itself
- Mechanism: hypercapnia present prior to mechanical ventilation results in expected compensatory renal hydrogen excretion (in the form of ammonium chloride) and bicarbonate absorption (resulting in elevated bicarbonate and associated hypochloremia)
- Refeeding Syndrome (see Refeeding Syndrome)
- Mechanism: enhanced metabolism of ketoacids back to bicarbonate
- Recovery from Lactic Acidosis/Ketoacidosis
- Epidemiology
- Commonly Observed During Recovery from Diabetic Ketoacidosis (see Diabetic Ketoacidosis and Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic State)
- Mechanism
- Rapid Correction of the Underlying Pathology Results in Metabolism of Lactic Acid/Ketones to Yield an Equivalent Amount of Bicarbonate
- Enhanced Renal Acid Excretion During the Pre-Existing Period of Acidosis and Alkali Therapy During the Treatment Phase of Acidosis May Result in New Generation of Bicarbonate
- Acidosis-Induced Extracellular Fluid Volume Contraction and Potassium Deficiency May Also Act to Sustain the Metabolic Alkalosis
- Epidemiology
Other Hydrogen Ion Loss
- Cystic Fibrosis (CF) (see Cystic Fibrosis)
- Epidemiology: metabolic alkalosis may occur in young children (rare in older children and adults)
- Mechanism: excessive sweating with loss of sodium chloride (but not bicarbonate)
- Clinical
- Hypochloremia
- Hyponatremia (see Hyponatremia)
Extracellular Fluid Volume Expansion
General Features
- Hypertension (see Hypertension)
- Hypokalemia (see Hypokalemia)
- Mineralocorticoid Excess (see Hyperaldosteronism)
- Mechanisms by Which Mineralocorticoids Enhanced Distal Renal Tubular Hydrogen Ion Secretion: these mechanisms enhance the movement of sodium from the distal tubule into the extracellular fluid, generating an electronegative charge in the tubular lumen, resulting in decreased back-diffusion of hydrogen ions back into the tubular cells and increased hydrogen ion and potassium secretion (resulting in hypokalemia)
- Direct Stimulation of Secretory Hydrogen Ion-ATPase Pump
- Increase in Activity of Na-K-ATPase
- Increase in Number of Open Epithelial Sodium Channels (ENaC)
- Mechanisms by Which Mineralocorticoids Enhanced Distal Renal Tubular Hydrogen Ion Secretion: these mechanisms enhance the movement of sodium from the distal tubule into the extracellular fluid, generating an electronegative charge in the tubular lumen, resulting in decreased back-diffusion of hydrogen ions back into the tubular cells and increased hydrogen ion and potassium secretion (resulting in hypokalemia)
- Adrenal Enzyme Defects
- 11β-Hydroxylase Deficiency
- 17α-Hydroxylase Deficiency
- Cushing Syndrome (see Cushing Syndrome)
- Glycyrrhizinates
- Etiology
- Carbenoxolone (see Carbenoxolone): glycyrrhetinic acid derivative (with a steroid-like structure), similar to compounds found in the root of the licorice plant
- Chewing Tobacco: may contain glycyrrhizin
- Herbal Teas: may contain glycyrrhizin
- Natural Licorice: derived from Glycyrrhiza Gabra plant, contains glycyrrhizic acid (which has mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid properties)
- However, most licorice sold in the US does not contain natural licorice
- Root Beer: may contain glycyrrhizin
- Mechanism
- Glycyrrhizinates Inhibit 11β-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase (Type 2), the Enzyme Which Inactivates Cortisol
- Etiology
- Primary Hyperaldosteronism (see Hyperaldosteronism)
- Adrenal Adenoma
- Adrenal Carcinoma
- Adrenal Hyperplasia
- Secondary Hyperaldosteronism with Loop/Thiazide Diuretic Administration (see Hyperaldosteronism
- Etiology (Disorders of Decreased Effective Arterial Blood Volume)
- Cirrhosis/End-Stage Liver Disease (see Cirrhosis)
- Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) (see Congestive Heart Failure)
- Hypovolemia (see Hypovolemic Shock)
- Mechanisms
- Secondary Hyperaldosteronism in the Absence of Diuretic Use
- Usually Has Avid Proximal Tubular Sodium Reabsorption Which Markedly Decreases Distal Sodium Delivery and Tubular Flow Rates
- Consequently, Even High Aldosterone Levels Cannot Generate a Large Amount of Distal Sodium Reabsorption or Potassium and Hydrogen Ion Secretion
- Secondary Hyperaldosteronism with Loop/Thiazide Diuretic Administration
- Diuretics Increase Distal Sodium Delivery and Tubular Flow, Which Allows High Aldosterone Levels to Generate Marked Metabolic Alkalosis and Hypokalemia
- Secondary Hyperaldosteronism in the Absence of Diuretic Use
- Etiology (Disorders of Decreased Effective Arterial Blood Volume)
- Accelerated Hypertension (see Hypertension)
- Estrogen (see Estrogen)
- Renal Artery Stenosis (see Renal Artery Stenosis)
- Renin-Secreting Tumor
- Mechanism
- Renin Secretion by Tumor
- Mechanism
Gain of Function Mutation of Sodium Channel with Extracellular Fluid Volume Expansion
- Liddle Syndrome (see Liddle Syndrome)
- Mechanism
- Increased Activity of the Collecting Duct Sodium Channel (ENaC)
- Mechanism
Diagnostic Work-Up of Metabolic Alkalosis
Serum Bicarbonate (see Serum Bicarbonate)
- Increased
Arterial Blood Gas (ABG) (see Arterial Blood Gas)
- pH: required to assess for the presence of alkalemia
- pCO2: required to rule out hypercapnia as the driver for bicarbonate retention
Urine Sodium, Chloride, and Potassium
- Patterns (with Suggested Clinical Etiologies)
- Alkaline Urine with Increased Urine Sodium + Decreased Urine Chloride + Increased Urine Potassium
- Alkali Ingestion
- Vomiting
- Acidic Urine with Decreased Urine Sodium + Decreased Urine Chloride + Decreased Urine Potassium
- Post-Hypercapnic Metabolic Alkalosis
- Prior Diuretic Use
- Vomiting
- Normal Urine Sodium + Normal Urine Chloride + Normal Urine Potassium
- Current Diuretic Use
- Bartter’s Syndrome
- Gitelman’s syndrome
- Magnesium Deficiency
- Alkaline Urine with Increased Urine Sodium + Decreased Urine Chloride + Increased Urine Potassium
Serum Renin and Aldosterone (see Serum Renin and Serum Aldosterone)
- Serum Aldosterone
- Serum Renin
Clinical Features of Metabolic Alkalosis
General Comments
- Clinical Manifestations Attributable to Metabolic Alkalosis are Less Common Than in Acute Respiratory Alkalosis (Since Metabolic Alkalosis Probably Causes a Smaller Change in Intracellular and Brain pH than Acute Respiratory Alkalosis)
- Acute Respiratory Alkalosis: rapid shift in arterial pCO2 is almost immediately transmitted throughout the total body water (including the intracellular fluid compartment, the brain, and the cerebrospinal fluid) -> this accounts for the characteristic symptoms of paresthesias, carpopedal spasm, and lightheadedness observed in acute respiratory alkalosis
- Metabolic Alkalosis: alterations in blood bicarbonate cause slower and less marked pH changes within the intracellular fluid compartment and across the blood brain barrier
Neurologic Manifestations
- General Comments
- Typically Only Occur in the Setting of Severe Metabolic Alkalosis with Associated Hypocalcemia/Hypomagnesemia
- Agitation
- Delirium (see Delirium)
- Increased Risk of Hepatic Encephalopathy (see Hepatic Encephalopathy)
- Mechanism
- Alkalemia Will Increase the Concentration of Unionized Nitrogen Compounds (Such as Ammonia), Which Enhances Penetration into the Central Nervous System and Therefore, Toxicity
- Mechanism
- Muscle Spasms/Tetany (see Tetany)
- Obtundation/Coma (see Obtundation-Coma)
- Parasthesias (see Parasthesias)
- Seizures (see Seizures)
Metabolic Alkalosis Associated with Vomiting/Nasogastric Suction/Gastrointestinal Hydrogen Ion Loss
- Normal Saline (see Normal Saline): chloride repletion restores the ability of the kidney to excrete the excess bicarbonate
- Treatment of Hypokalemia: as required
- Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPI) (see Proton Pump Inhibitors): decrease gastric hydrogen ion concentration and therefore, will decrease hydrogen ion loss during nasogastric suction
Metabolic Alkalosis Associated with Diuretics
- Normal Saline (see Normal Saline): chloride repletion restores the ability of the kidney to excrete the excess bicarbonate
- Treatment of Hypokalemia: as required
- Acetazolamide (Diamox) (see Acetazolamide): carbonic anhydrase inhibitor diuretic that enhances renal bicarbonate excretion
- Avoid use in the setting of hypokalemia
Metabolic Alkalosis Associated with Hypokalemia
- Resistant to Sodium Chloride Replacement Until Hypokalemia is Corrected
- Treatment of Hypokalemia: critical
Metabolic Alkalosis Associated with Primary Hyperaldosteronism/Cushing Syndrome/Renal Artery Stenosis
- Treat Underlying Disorder
Other Potential Treatments
- Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) Drip (see Hydrochloric Acid)
- Administration: 0.1 N solution via central venous catheter
- Adverse Effects: hemolysis
- The effect of prolonged administration of large doses of sodium bicarbonate in man. Clin Sci (Lond). 1954;13(3):383 [MEDLINE]
- CNS Disorder During Mechanical Ventilation in Chronic Pulmonary Disease. JAMA. 1964;189:993 [MEDLINE]
- Effects of chronic hypercapnia on electrolyte and acid-base equilibrium. II. Recovery, with special reference to the influence of chloride intake. J Clin Invest. 1961;40:1238 [MEDLINE]
- Metabolic alkalosis due to absorption of “nonabsorbable” antacids. Am J Med. 1983;74(1):155 [MEDLINE]
- Acid-base disturbances in gastrointestinal disease. Dig Dis Sci. 1987;32(9):1033 [MEDLINE]
- Acute Electrolyte and Acid-Base Disorders in Patients With Ileostomies: A Case Series. Am J Kidney Dis. 2008 Sep;52(3):494-500. doi: 10.1053/j.ajkd.2008.04.015. Epub 2008 Jun 17 [MEDLINE]