- Head and Neck Cancer (see Head and Neck Cancer, [[Head and Neck Cancer]])
- Metastatic Colorectal Cancer (see Colon Cancer, [[Colon Cancer]])
- Chimeric (Mouse/Human) Monoclonal Antibody Which Acts as an Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) Inhibitor
Adverse Effects
Pulmonary Adverse Effects
- Interstital Lung Disease (ILD) (see Interstitial Lung Disease-Etiology, [[Interstitial Lung Disease-Etiology]])
- Epidemiology: occurs in 0.4% of cases
- Bronchospasm/Hoarseness (see Obstructive Lung Disease, [[Obstructive Lung Disease]])
- Epidemiology: occurs in 23% of cases
- Clinical: occurs during IV infusion
- Acute Lung Injury-ARDS (see Acute Lung Injury-ARDS, [[Acute Lung Injury-ARDS]])
Other Adverse Effects
- xxxx
- xxx