- Age: occurs mainly in children, but 20% of cases occur in adults (mainly in >30 y/o group)
- Age Range for Onset: 4 months-62 y/o
- Sex: M:F ratio is 2:1 (in adults)
- Familial Clustering: has been reported
- Associated with:
- Celiac Disease
- HLA-B8
- Probable immune disorder
- Some cases may be secondary to environmental exposure to Stachybotrys atra fungus: this fungus has been putatively linked to idiopathic diffuse alveolar hemorrhage
- Absence of Pulmonary Capillaritis: bland alveolar hemorrhage
- Hemosiderin accumulation within macrophages and in interstitium (interstitial hemosiderin probably promotes interstitial fibrosis)
- Type II pneumocyte hyperplasia with capillary dilatation and tortuosity
- Absence of pulmonary immune complexes (rules out Goodpasture’s)
- EM (diffuse alveolar injury): degeneration of type I alveolar epitelial cells with exposure of their basement membranes
- Breaks in (with fibrillar material in split areas) and thickening of alveolar-capillary basement membrane
- Focal rupture of basement membrane with collagen deposition
- PFT’s: restrictive pattern
- DLCO: increased during DAH (decreases with development of interstitial lung disease)
- FOB: BAL reveals hemosiderin-laden macrophages
- OLB: required in adult cases to exclude isolated pulmonary capillaritis
- Tissue Ab staining: negative
- CXR/Chest CT Patterns
- Diffuse or patchy focal alveolar infiltrates (resolve slowly over days-weeks)
- Interstitial infiltrates may appear with chronic or recurrent disease
- HRCT: diffuse ground-glass infiltrates, ill-defined centrilobular nodules
- Hilar/mediastinal adenopathy has been seen in some pediatric cases
- Serology
- ANA: negative
- Anti-DNA: negative
- RF: negative
- C3/C4/ CH50: normal
- ANCA: negative
- Anti-GBM: negative
- Serum IgA: increased in 50% of cases
- CBC: leukocytosis, anemia (iron deficiency may occur if bleeding is severe and recurrent)
- ESR: elevated
- Urinalysis: usually normal
Clinical Presentation
(usually a diagnosis of exclusion)
Pulmonary Manifestations
- Recurrent Diffuse Alveolar Hemorrhage (see [[Diffuse Alveolar Hemorrhage]])
- Cough
- Dyspnea
- Hemoptysis: may be absent on initial presentation in some cases, even after significant bleed
- May be streaky or life-threatening
- Chest Pain
- Crackles
- Interstitial Lung Disease (see [[ILD-Etiology]])
Other Manifestations
- Fever
- Fatigue
- Clubbing: may occur over time as interstitial lung disease develops
- Lympadenopathy and Splenomegaly (present in 20% of pediatric cases)
- Absence of Renal, Rheum, and Derm involvement
- Corticosteroids: may help acute bleed but unclear long-term benefit
- Azathioprine: successful in a few cases
- Plasmapheresis: used in one refractory case Prognosis: in 75% of cases, mean survival is 3-5 years
- Lung Transplantation: controversial, as disease recurs after bilateral lung transplant
- Adults have better prognosis than children
- 25% of adults remit after first episode
- 25% have persistent dyspnea with anemia (without active disease)
- 25% have active disease and progress to fibrosis
- 25% progress to hemorrhage and respiratory failure -> average survival: 3-5 years
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