In addition to Pseudomonas aeruginosa, can also be caused less commonly by Staph, Mucor, Candida, and Herpes
Skin Biopsy: quite characteristic, showing bacterial invasion of the media and adventitia of veins deep in the dermis (intima and lumen of the vein are spared)
Begins as red/purpuric macular rash -> progresses to indurated vesicles -> progresses to bullous, pustular, or hemorrhagic lesions -> gangrenous ulcers with surrounding erythema (may occur within 12-24 hrs)
Usually less than 10 lesions are present, most often found in the gluteal or perineal regions, but also appearing on the extremities, trunk, and face in descending order, respectively
Aminoglycoside + Antipseudomonal PCN:
Surgical Debridement: often required
The lower the absolute neutrophil count (ANC), the poorer the prognosis
Patients with an ANC < 500 cells/mm3 (0.5 x 109/L) rarely survive