The Name “Chikungunya” is Derived from an African Word Which Means “Stooped Walk” or “That Which Bends Up”, Due to the Capacity of the Disease to Cause Incapacitating Arthralgias
Chikungunya Virus is an Arbovirus (Arthropod-Borne Virus) (see Arboviruses)
Note: Aedes Mosquitoes Can Also Transmit Dengue Virus and Zika Virus (see Dengue Virus and Zika Virus)
Aedes Albopictus (Asian Tiger Mosquito)
Maternal-Fetal Transmission: rarely
Blood Product Transfusion: rarely
Organ Transplantation: rarely
Geographic Distribution (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Geographic Distribution or Chikungunya Virus) [LINK]
Outbreaks Prior to 2013
Africa (Multiple Countries)
Asia (Multiple Countries)
Europe (Italy, France)
Indian Ocean
Pacific Ocean (Cook Islands, Samoa, French Polynesia, etc)
Real-Time Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (rRT-PCR) for Chikungunya Virus
Diagnostic for Patients within 1-7 Days Following Onset of Symptoms: excellent sensitivity/specificity during the first 5 days of infection
Testing for Dengue Virus and Zika Virus Should Also Be Simultaneously Performed (see Dengue Virus and Zika Virus): a single PCR test for all 3 infections is available from the CDC and other laboratories
Serology for Chikungunya Virus
Diagnostic for Patients ≥8 Days Following the Onset of Symptoms
Anti-Chikungunya IgM Antibodies (Detected by Direct ELISA) are Present Starting at About 5 Days (Range: 1-12 days) Following the Onset of Symptoms
Anti-Chikungunya IgM Antibodies Persist for Several Weeks-3 mos
Anti-Chikungunya IgG Antibodies Begin to Appear at About 2 wks Following the Onset of Symptoms
Anti-Chikungunya IgM Antibodies Persist for Years
Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)
Indirect Fluorescent Antibody (IFA)
Culture for Chikungunya Virus
Used Mainly in Research Settings
Sensitivity of Culture for Chikungunya Virus is High in Early Infection But Decreases 5 Days After the Onset of Illness
Identification of the Viral Strain Can Be Useful for Epidemiologic Purposes
Clinical Manifestations
Acute Chikungunya Fever
General Comments
Incubation Period: 3-7 days (1-14 days)
Disease Course
Clinical Disease Begins Abruptly with Fever and Malaise
Duration of Illness: 7-10 days
Distinction Between the Clinical Presentations of Zika Virus, Dengue Virus, and Chikungunya Virus (see Dengue Virus and Zika Virus) (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Zika Virus-What Clinicians Need to Know?” Clinician Outreach and Communication Activity Call 1/26/16) [LINK]
Deaths Have Been Reported During Outbreaks (Euro Surveill, 2006) [MEDLINE]
Chikungunya outbreak in Reunion: epidemiology and surveillance, 2005 to early January 2006. Euro Surveill. 2006;11(2):E060202.3. Epub 2006 Feb 2 [MEDLINE]
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Zika Virus-What Clinicians Need to Know?” Clinician Outreach and Communication Activity (COCA) Call 1/26/16 (Accessed 7/17) [LINK]
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Geographic Distribution, Where Has Chikungunya Been Found? (Accessed 7/17) [LINK]