Nephrotic Syndrome: proteinuria (may be massive, 3.5g or more/24hrs)
Normally, albumin is filtered by the glomerulus and catabolized by the renal tubules into amino acids, which are recycled
However, in presence of glomerular and tubular renal disease, excessive protein filtration may overwhlem this capacity, resulting in albumin loss and increased degradation
Note: in this setting, albumin synthesis will only increase when albuminuria exceeeds 100 mg/kg/d with an adequate dietary protein intak
Normally, <10% of the total albumin is lost through the intestine
In these cases, intestinal protein loss may be exacerbated by other factors which impair albumin synthesis (sepsis, inflammation, etc)
Skin is the major site for extravascular albumin storage (and is the major exchangeable albumin pool needed to maintain plasma levels)
Hypoalbuminemia results from direct albumin loss from tissue damage, compromised hepatic blood flow due to volume loss, and from inhibitory tissue factors (TNF, IL-1, IL-6) released at the burn sites
Ascites (of Any Etiology) (see xxxx): increases volume of distribution, resulting in hypoalbuminemia
Note: therefore, in this setting, serum albumin level is not a good index of the residual synthetic capacity of the liver (actual radioisotopic measurements of production are required)
Decreased and Poorly-Distributed Portal Blood Flow: resulting in maldistribution of nutrients and oxygen to hepatocytes
Impact of Ascites on Albumin Synthesis
In patients without ascites, decreased albumin synthesis occurs
In patients with ascites, increased albumin synthesis may occur (due to a change in hepatic interstitial colloid levels, which may stimulate albumin synthesis)
Ascites-Associated Increased Volume of Distribution with Hemodilution: resulting in decreased serum albumin concentration
Physiology: increased serum oncotic pressure -> increased hepatic interstitial volume -> downregulation of albumin synthesis
Protein Malnutrition
Deficient protein intake -> rapid loss of cellular ribonucleic acid and disaggregation of the endoplasmic reticulum–bound polysomes -> decreased albumin synthesis
Albumin synthesis can decrease by more than 33% during a 24-hour fast
Albumin synthesis may be stimulated by amino acids produced in the urea cycle (such as ornithine)
Acute/Chronic Inflammation
Hypoalbuminemia is present in hospital admission in 20% of patients
Physiology: TNF and IL-6 released as part of the inflammatory response (to infection, surgery, trauma) decrease serum albumin by mulitple mechanisms
Increased Vascular Permeability: allows albumin to diffuse into the extravascular space
Increased Albumin Degradation
Decreased Albumin Synthesis: TNF-alpha, which decreases transcription of the albumin gene
Zinc Deficiency
Decreased Serum Oncotic Pressure: seen only when serum albumin is <1.5 g/dL)
May cause pleural effusion in hosiptalized AIDS and other chronic disease patients
Usually small-moderate and bilateral (without cardiomegaly)
Other Manifestations
Anasarca: always seen
Treatment of Underlying Etiology
Optimize Nutrition
Prevent Protein Loss
Time Course of Resolution of Hypoalbuminemia
Acute Inflammation-Related Hypoalbuminemia: hypoalbuminemia due to acute inflammation should normalize within weeks of resolution of the inflammation
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