Left Posterior Fascicular Block (Left Anterior Hemiblock)
Intraventricular Conduction Delay (IVCD) : abnormality in intraventricular signal conduction which results in a change in the shape or duration of the QRS complex
Classification of Intraventricular Conduction Delays (IVCD)
General Comments : refers to abnormalities in intraventricular signal conduction which result in a change in the shape or duration of the QRS complex
Left Bundle Branch Block (LBBB) (see Left Bundle Branch Block , [[Left Bundle Branch Block]])
Right Bundle Branch Block (RBBB) (see Right Bundle Branch Block , [[Right Bundle Branch Block]])
Left Anterior Fascicular Block (Left Anterior Hemiblock) (see Left Posterior Fascicular Block , [[Left Anterior Fascicular Block]])
Left Posterior Fascicular Block (Left Posterior Hemiblock)
Blood Supply to Cardiac Conduction System
Blood Supply to the Sinoatrial (SA) Node
Right Coronary Artery : 60% of patients
Left Circumflex Artery : 40% of patients
Blood Supply to the Atrioventricular (AV) Node
Right Coronary Artery : 90% of patients
Left Circumflex Artery : 10% of patients
Blood Supply to the His Bundle
Right Coronary Artery : main blood supply
Septal Perforators of the Left Anterior Descending Coronary Artery : minor contribution
Main/Proximal Left Bundle Branch
Left Anterior Descending Artery : main blood supply
Right Coronary Artery : collateral flow
Left Circumflex Artery : collateral flow
Left Anterior Fascicle
Septal Perforators of the Left Anterior Descending Coronary Artery : main blood supply
AV Nodal Artery : 50% of patients
Left Posterior Fascicle
Proximal Left Posterior Fascicle
AV Nodal Artery: main blood supply
Septal Perforators of the Left Anterior Descending Coronary Artery: in some cases
Distal Left Posterior Fascicle
Anterior and Posterior Septal Perforating Arteries (Dual Blood Supply)
Right Bundle Branch
Septal Perforators of the Left Anterior Descending Artery : main blood supply
Right Coronary Artery : some collateral flow (depending on dominance of the system)
Left Circumflex Artery : some collateral flow (depending on dominance of the system)
Clinical Manifestations
Cardiovascular Manifestations
Other Manifestations
Property of Kenneth J. Serio, MD. Author is not responsible for errors in content, site is for information purposes only.